Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

General chair, Scientific chair
  • Serge Haddad was co-chair for workshop and tutorials for 34th Int. Conf. on Application and Theory of Petri nets (ATPN), Tunis, Tunisia

Member of the organizing committee

Scientific events selection

Member of the conference program committee
  • Serge Haddad was a member of the program committees of

    • FOR-MOVES (associated with ICSOC 2014),

    • 22nd International Conference on Real Time Networks and Systems (RTNS 2014), Versailles, France,

    • 8th International Workshop on Verification and Evaluation of Computer and Communi- cation Systems (VECOS 2014), Bejaia, Algeria,

    • PNSE 2014,

    • 12th IFAC - IEEE International Workshop on Discrete Event Systems (WODES), Cachan, France

  • Stefan Haar was a member of the program committees of PNSE 2014 and ETFA 2014. He will be co-chairing the PC of ACSD 2015 (Brussels) and be a member of the PC for ICTAC 2015.

  • Thomas Chatain was a member of the program committee of ACSD 2014 and will be a member of the PC of ACSD 2015.

  • Stefan Schwoon was a member of the PC of ICATPN 2014 and will be in the PCs for ICATPN 2015 and SPIN 2015.

  • Benedikt Bollig was a member of the scientific committee of the workshop INFINITY'14, co-located with FSTTCS'14.

  • Benedikt Bollig was a reviewer for AFL'14, DLT'14, TACAS'14, FOSSACS'14, ICALP'14, CSL-LICS'14, CONCUR'14, MFCS'14, TIME'14, FSTTCS'14.

  • Stefan Haar was a reviewer for CDC 2014 and ACC 2015.

  • Stefan Schwoon was a reviewer for the conferences POST, CSL-LICS, and ICALP in 2014.


Member of the editorial board
  • Paul Gastin is on the advisory boards of Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics and of the EATCS Springer Book series Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science and Texts in Theoretical Computer Science.

  • Serge Haddad was Editor of one edition of the TOPNOC journal (LNCS 8910).

  • Stefan Haar is an associate editor for the Journal of Discrete Event Dynamic systems.

  • Benedikt Bollig was a reviewer for ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, Theoretical Computer Science, and Acta Informatica.

  • Stefan Haar was a reviewer for Automatica, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, and Information Systems

  • Thomas Chatain was a reviewer for International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science and ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems.

  • Stefan Schwoon acted as reviewer for the journals Fundamenta Informaticae (several occasions), TOPLAS, and TECS in 2014.

  • Paul Gastin and Serge Haddad are regularly reviewers for many international conferences and journals.

Serge Haddad was also a member of the AERES evaluation committee of the VERIMAG laboratory in 2014.