Section: New Results
MiMove's research activities in 2014 have focused on a set of areas directly related to the team's research topics. Hence, we have worked on Emergent Middleware (§ 6.3 ) and Service-oriented Computing in the Future Internet (§ 6.4 ), in relation to our research topic regarding Emergent Mobile Distributed Systems (§ 3.2 ). With respect to Large-scale Mobile Sensing & Actuation (§ 3.3 ), we have developed activities on Service-oriented Middleware for the Mobile Internet of Things (IoT) (§ 6.5 ), Composing Applications in the IoT (§ 6.6 ), and Lightweight Streaming Middleware for the IoT (§ 6.7 ). Last, our effort on Middleware for Mobile Social Networks (§ 6.8 ) is linked to our research on Mobile Social Crowd-sensing (§ 3.4 ).
Before presenting our new results in the areas mentioned above, we briefly discuss next the highlights of the year.