Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Bilateral Contracts with Industry
Contract with Bull (2013–2016). Multiobjective scheduling on supercomputer towards exascale. Associated to a CIFRE PhD grant (David Glesser, started in 4/2013). Partners: Inria - LIG Moais, Bull
Contract with CEA Saclay (2014): Hierarchical work stealing for Eruoplexus. Partners: Moais and CEA Saclay.
Contract with CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel. (2014): Multi-core and many-core parallelization for scientific visualization. Partners: Moais and CEA Bruyères-le-Châtel.
Contract with CEA Saclay. (2015): Multi-core and many-core parallelization of EPX code. Partners: Moais and CEA Saclay.
Contract with Bulll (2014-2016): Multi-objective batch scheduling. Partners: Moais and Bull.
Contract with Incas-ITSec (2014): IPSec with pre-shared key for MISTIC security module. Partners: Moais, Privatics and Incas-ITSec
Contract with XYALIS (2014): remote software distributed protection (internship support). Partners: Floralis (Moais and UJF-IF [P. Elbaz-Vincent] and XYALIS.