Section: New Software and Platforms
Participants : Bruno Raffin [correspondant MOAIS] , Matthieu Dreher, Jérémy Jaussaud.
Characterization of Software : A-3 / SO-4 / SM-3 / EM-3 / SDL-4
Additional information: FlowVR ( , coordinator B. Raffin) is an open source middelware to augment parallel simulations running on thousands of cores with in situ processing capabilities and live steering. FlowVR offers a very flexible environment while enabling high performance asynchronous in situ and in transit processing.
FlowVR was initially used for large scale virtual reality applications like real-time multicamera 3D modeling or telepresence. We recently retargeted FlowVR at in situ processing with development efforts focused on optimizing FlowVR performance at large scale and easing its usage in supercomputer environments.