Section: Dissemination
Roberto-Gioacchino Cascella presented a demonstration of the VEP-S system at the EIT ICT Labs result day, Helsinki, Finland, December 2014.
Christine Morin gave a talk entitled "Contrail Project Overview" at the Contrail Business Days, Roma, Italy, January 2014.
Christine Morin was invited to give a talk on Myriads activities on cloud computing at the EIT ICT Labs meeting on future clouds, Rennes, France, March 2014.
Christine Morin gave a talk entitled "Contrail: Interoperability and Dependability in a Cloud Federation" at the first workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing, Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 2014.
Christine Morin was invited to give a talk entitled "Contrail: Toward a Trusted Cloud Market Place" at the EIT ICT Labs Symposium on Future Cloud Computing, Rennes, France, June 2014.
Christine Morin was invited to give a talk entitled "Contrail: Toward a Trusted Cloud Market Place" at the Inria Scientific Days, Lille, France, June 2014.
Christine Morin gave an invited talk entitled "Snooze: A Scalable Energy-Efficient IaaS Cloud Management System" at the Next-GWiN 2014 Workshop, Rennes, France, October 2014.
Christine Morin gave a talk entitled "Checkpointing as a Service in Heterogeneous Clouds" at the second workshop of the Joint Laboratory for Extreme Scale Computing, Chicago, USA, November 2014.
Guillaume Pierre organized the 2nd ConPaaS workshop (Rennes, May 26th 2014) and gave the opening presentation
Guillaume Pierre organized the EIT ICT Labs Future Cloud Symposium (Rennes, June 23-24th 2014).
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk entitled “Green IT : maîtrise de la consommation énergétiques des équipements informatiques”, at Rencontres de la recherche, Fondation Rennes 1, Rennes, September 19, 2014.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a talk entitled “Toward Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing” at the Inria-Technicolor Workshop, Rennes, December 4, 2014.
Anne-Cécile Orgerie gave a tutorial entitled “Green Big Data Processing using Hadoop: An Introductory” with Shadi Ibrahim from KerData team, at the ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware conference, Bordeaux, December 2014.
Arnab Sinha presented a demonstration of the VEP-S system at the EIT ICT Labs result day, Helsinki, Finland, December 2014.
Cédric Tedeschi gave a talk about workflow activities within the DALHIS associate team at the Berkeley Inria Standford workshop, Paris, June 2014.