Section: Research Program
Spike train statistics
The neuronal activity is manifested by the emission of action potentials (“spikes”) constituting spike trains. Those spike trains are usually not exactly reproducible when repeating the same experiment, even with a very good control ensuring that experimental conditions have not changed. Therefore, researchers are seeking models for spike train statistics, assumed to be characterized by a canonical probabilities giving the statistics of spatio-temporal spike patterns. A current goal in experimental analysis of spike trains is to approximate this probability from data. Several approach exist either based on (i) generic principles (maximum likelihood, maximum entropy); (ii) phenomenological models (Linear-Non linear, Generalized Linear Model, mean-field); (iii) Analytical results on spike train statistics in Neural Network models.
Our group is working on those 3 aspects, on a fundamental and on a practical (numerical) level. On one hand, we have published analytical (and rigorous) results on statistics of spike trains in canonical neural network models (Integrate and Fire, conductance based with chemical and electric synapses) [2] , [54] , [45] . The main result is the characterization of spike train statistics by a Gibbs distribution whose potential can be explicitly computed using some approximations. Note that this result does not require an assumption of stationarity. We have also shown that the distributions considered in the cases (i), (ii), (iii) above are all Gibbs distributions [55] . On the other hand, we are proposing new algorithms for data processing [25] . We have developed a C++ software for spike train statistics based on Gibbs distributions analysis and freely available at . We are using this software in collaboration with several biologist groups involved in the analysis of retina spike trains (Centro de Neurociencia Valparaiso ; Institut de la vision, Paris ; Faculty of Medical Sciences, Newcastle University , Institute for Adaptive and Neural Computation, University of Edinburgh .