Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Licence: Lourdes González has a temporary research and teaching position (A.T.E.R) at University Paris 7 for the academic year 2014–2015. During the first semester (Sep-Dec 2014) she was in charge of TP (Travaux pratiques, 24 hours) on the subject “Principes de fonctionnement des machines binaires” (L1).

Licence: Étienne Miquey was in charge of TP (Travaux practiques, 24 hours) in the course “Introduction à la programmation” (L1) at University Paris 7 during the first semester 2014/15.

Master: Pierre-Louis Curien teaches in the course “Models of programming languages: domains, categories, games” of the MPRI (together with Thomas Ehrhard and Paul-André Melliès).

Master: Alexis Saurin taught, jointly with Christine Tasson, a Master 2 course in “Logique Mathématique et Fondements de l'Informatique” (LMFI), Université Paris Diderot, entitled “Lambda-calcul: des abstractions aux applications”. He taught about 30H. In addition, Saurin chairs LMFI M2 from september 2013.

Master: Yann Régis-Gianas took part in the MPRI course entitled “Type systems”: he taught 12 hours about generalised algebraic data types, higher-order Hoare logic and dependently typed programming.

MOOC: In collaboration with Roberto Di Cosmo and Ralf Treinen, Yann Régis-Gianas wrote a proposal for a MOOC about the OCaml programming language. The proposal has been accepted and the course is in preparation.

Master: Matthieu Sozeau teaches in the MPRI course on Advanced uses of Proof Assistants (12 hours + a project), together with Assia Mahboubi (Inria SpecFun).

Master: Matthieu Sozeau taught an introducory course on software verification to M2 Pro students at University Paris 7 during the first semester (Lectures + Practical Works, 20h).


Internship: Alexis Saurin has supervised the L3 internship of Paul Fermé.

Internship: Alexis Saurin has supervised the M1 internship of Simon Lunel.

Internship: Alexis Saurin has supervised, with David Baelde, the M2 internship of Amina Doumane.

Internship: Yann Régis-Gianas has supervised the M2 internship of Thibaut Girka.

Internship: Yann Régis-Gianas has supervised the M2 internship of Thomas Refis.

Internship: Yann Régis-Gianas has supervised the M1 internship of Grégoire Duchêne.

Internship: Yann Régis-Gianas has supervised the M1 internship of Alexandre Ly.

Internship: Matthieu Sozeau has supervised the M2 internship of Philipp Haselwarter.

PhD in progress: Lourdes del Carmen González Huesca, Un langage de tactiques typées pour Coq, December 2011, supervised by Hugo Herbelin and Yann Régis-Gianas.

PhD in progress: Guillaume Claret, Programmation avec effets en Coq, September 2012, supervised Hugo Herbelin and Yann Régis-Gianas.

PhD in progress: Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Logique linéaire et types dépendants, september 2012, supervised by Alexis Saurin and Hugo Herbelin.

PhD in progress: Thibaut Girka, Sémantique différentielle, October 2014, supervised by Roberto DiCosmo and Yann Régis-Gianas.

PhD in progress: Cyrille Chenavier, Méthodes algébriques pour la réécriture linéaire, supervised by Yves Guiraud and Philippe Malbos.

PhD in progress: Maxime Lucas, Résolutions polygraphiques cubiques et théorie de Garside, supervised by Yves Guiraud and Pierre-Louis Curien.

PhD in progress: Jovana Obradović, Langages pour la description de différentes sortes d'opérades, supervised by Pierre-Louis Curien.

PhD in progress: Amina Doumane, Ludique, automates, points fixes, supervised by Alexis Saurin, David Baelde and Pierre-Louis Curien.

PhD in progress: Étienne Miquey, Réalisabilité classique et effets de bords, September 2014, supervised by Hugo Herbelin and Alexandre Miquel.


Pierre-Louis Curien was president of the thesis juries of Aloïs Brunel (Univ. Paris 13), Guillaume Jaber (Univ. Nantes), Valentin Blot (ENS Lyon), and Marc Bagnol(Univ. Marseille).

Pierre-Louis Curien was president of the habilitation jury of Philippe Malbos (Univ. Lyon 1).

He is a referee for the habilitation theses of Olivier Serre (LIAFA), Russ Harmer (ENS Lyon), and Paul-André Melliès.

Frédéric Loulergue was president of the thesis juries of Hélène Coullon (Univ. Orléans), Mouhamadou Sakho (Univ. Orléans) and Nader Khammassi (ENSTA Bretagne) ; referee for the theses of Nuno Gaspar (Univ. Nice), Nader Khammassi (ENSTA Bretagne) and Charif Mahmoudi (Univ. Paris-Est Créteil) ; supervisor of the thesis of Thomas Pinsard (Univ. Orléans).