Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Collective responsibilities
Pierre-Louis Curien was a member of the Conseil Scientifique of the INSII (CNRS), until September 2014. He is also a member of the Conseil Scientifique of CIRM (since June 2013).
Editorial activities
Pierre-Louis Curien is co-editor in chief of Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.
Frédéric Loulergue is a member of the editorial board of Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience, and Technique et Science Informatiques.
Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey and Matthieu Sozeau are co-editors of the post-proceedings of the conference TYPES 2014 which was held in Paris in May.
Program committees and organising committees
Alexis Saurin has been a PC member of GaLoP 2014 (International Workshop on Games and Logic for Programming) which took place during ETAPS 2014 in Grenoble, as well as FSTTCS 2014, which took place in Mumbai in December. He is in the PC of WoC 2015, the workshop on continuations, affiliated with ETAPS.
Alexis Saurin is member of the Education committee of the ACM Special Interest Group on Logic (SIGLOG, ).
Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey and Matthieu Sozeau co-organised and co-chaired the TYPES'14 conference in Paris in May.
Yves Guiraud and Philippe Malbos were among the organisers of the 5-week programme Mathematical Structures of Computation, held in Lyon in January-February 2014, and supported by the Labex MILYON. They were also organisers of the second week, Algebra and Computation, while Pierre-Louis Curien and Hugo Herbelin organised the first week, Recent Trends in Type theory.
Yves Guiraud is in the organising committee and PC co-chair of Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Applications (HDRA), a workshop of the International Conference on Rewriting, Deduction and Programming (RDP) 2015.
Pierre-Louis Curien, Hugo Herbelin and Paul-André Melliès were the organisers of the IHP trimester Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics (cf. highlights). They also organised a spring school at CIRM preceding the trimester, in April 2014.
Pierre-Louis Curien and Hugo Herbelin are members of the steering committee of the conference Typed Lambda Calculi and Applications (TLCA).
Pierre-Louis Curien is a member of the steering committee of the international workshop Games for Logic and Programming Languages (GaLop).
Frédéric Loulergue is a member of the steering committee of the international symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications (HLPP), he is a member of the program committee of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'15).
Yann Régis-Gianas, Pierre Letouzey, Matthieu Sozeau are the organisers of the “Ecole de Printemps d'Informatique Théorique 2015” about proof of programs. This school has been accepted as a “Ecole Thématique” of the CNRS.
Matthieu Sozeau is a member of the steering committee of the Dependently Typed Programming international workshop (DTP).
Matthieu Sozeau co-organised and chaired the first Coq for Programming Languages (CoqPL) workshop, collocated with POPL'15 in Mumbai, India, in January 2015.
Jury participation
Alexis Saurin has been a member of the Jury for LMFI Master.
Yann Régis-Gianas has been a member of the “Comité de Sélection” for an assistant professor position at the University of Paris Sud.
Pierre-Louis Curien has been a member of the “Comité de Sélection” for a professor position in computer science at the University Paris Diderot.
Matthieu Sozeau has been a member of the Student Research Competition Jury at ICFP 2014 in Gothenburg.
Invited talks
P.-L. Curien gave an invited talk at the workshop “Algebra and Computation” in Lyon (mentioned above).
J.-J. Lévy wrote a paper for P.-L. Curien's Festschrift Volume, entitled “On the length of Standard Reductions in the Lambda Calculus” [2] (corresponding to his talk back in September 2013 in Venice at the anniversary meeting in his honour).
P.-L. Curien and J.-J. Lévy participated to Luca Cardelli's Festschrift at Microsoft Research in Cambridge, UK (September 8-9). They gave talks entitled “Around formal parametricity” and “Simple Proofs for Simple Programs”, respectively.
J.-J. Lévy participated to Matthew Hennessy's Festschrift at IMD in Lucca, Italy (October 15-16). He gave a talk on “Simple Proofs for Simple Programs”.
J.-J. Lévy and A. Saurin participated to “Les Journées LAC (Logique, Algèbre, Calcul)” in Chambéry, France (November 20-21). They gave talks on “Simple Proofs for Simple Programs” and “On the dependencies of logical rules”, respectively.
J.-J. Lévy participated to “The 2nd Locali workshop” between Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Inria/Paris 7 (November 24-26). He gave a talk on “Simple Proofs for Simple Programs”.
M. Sozeau gave an invited talk on “Universe Polymorphism: Subtyping and unification” at the XIXth Agda meeting in Paris (May 2014).
L. Patey has been invited to give a talk at the Workshop on Computability Theory 2014, at a special session of the conference Computability in Europe 2015 and to a Dagstuhl Seminar 2015.
Presentation of papers
Philippe Malbos has presented [31] at IWC 2014.
Marc Lasson has presented [24] at MFPS 2014.
Hugo Herbelin has presented his joint work with Danko Ilik on the computational content of Gödel's completeness theorem at the workshop PSC 2014.
Matthieu Sozeau has presented [27] at ITP 2014 and [28] at UNIF 2014.
Ludovic Patey received the best student paper award for his paper about dichotomy theorems and an extended version of his paper submitted to the Computability journal has been accepted.
Other presentations
Yann Régis-Gianas gave a talk about Coq at the PPS-LIAFA “pedagogical” meeting.
Frédéric Loulergue gave a short talk at JFLA'15 and a talk at the International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing SYNASC'14 (Timisoara).
Matthieu Sozeau gave talks on the development of Coq at the Coq Workshop in Vienna (July 2014) and at the CoqPL workshop in Mumbai (Jan 2015). He also gave a talk on generalised rewriting strategies at TYPES 2014 and at the Coq Workshop.
Talks in seminars
Lourdes González gave a talk on “Incrémentalité dans le calcul” during the Journées PPS, September 2014.
Marc Lasson gave talks about parametricity for dependent types at the TYPES 2014 workshop, at the journéees nationales du GDR IM 2014, and the following team seminars: séminaire LCR, LIPN, Paris 13; séminaire Logique et Interactions, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille; séminaire d'équipe ACADIE, IRIT Toulouse. He also presented his plugin during a Coq working group held in Paris.
Eric Finster gave a talk on Homotopy Type Theory at the “Notions of Identification” seminar at L'équipe ERC Philosophy of Canonical Quantum Gravity, Paris 7 and a talk entitled “Opetopic Diagrams as a Language for Higher Categorical Proofs” at the IHP Trimester in Paris.
Alexis Saurin gave a talk in PARSIFAL seminar at LIX on dependency and correctness of proof-nets.
Matthieu Sozeau gave a talk at the Deducteam seminar at Inria (place d'Italie) on the formalisation of the groupoid model of type theory.
Pierre-Louis Curien gave a seminar talk at the University of Talca (Chile) on “Revisiting the categorical interpretation of type theory” (March).
Attendance to conferences, workshops, schools,...
Lourdes González attended TYPES 2014 in Paris and the IHP trimester “Semantics of proofs and certified mathematics”.
Marc Lasson attended TYPES 2014 in Paris, the IHP trimester, and the Homotopy Type Theory Workshop held at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, in November 2014.
Frédéric Loulergue attended SYNASC 2014 in September (Timisoara), and the JFLA'15 in Val d'Ajol.
Eric Finster attended the IHP Trimester in Paris, and the Homotopy Type Theory Workshop at Oxford.
Alexis Saurin and Matthieu Sozeau attended JFLA 2014, the IHP trimester, Types 2014 and FLOC 2014.
Matthieu Sozeau attended the Heidelberg Laureate Forum in September 2014 and ICFP'14.
Groupe de travail Théorie des types et réalisabilité
This is one of the working groups of PPS, jointly organised by Hugo Herbelin and Paul-André Melliès, since September 2009. It is held weekly. Matthieu Sozeau joined the organisation this year.
Internal speakers this year were Eric Finster on Higher Dimensional Syntax and Ludovic Patey on an Introduction to reverse mathematics. The external speakers were Jean-Baptiste Jeannin (CMU), Matthias Puech (McGill University), Sylvain Schmitz (ENS Cachan), Timothy Bourke (Inria and ENS), Cătălin Hriţcu (Inria), Pierre-Evariste Dagand (Inria), Carsten Schürmann (ITU Copenhagen), Conor McBride (Strathclyde University), Nicolas Pouillard (IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Alois Brunel (LIPN).