Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


James Crowley
  • Computer Vision, Course 24h EqTD, M2 year, Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble,

  • Intelligent Systems, Cours 54h EqTD, ENSIMAG.

James Crowley is Director Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble.

Sabine Coquillart
  • Sabine Coquillart teaches a course on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces for the GVR Master 2R, 2013-2014.

  • Sabine Coquillart teaches a one day course on 3D User Interfaces and Augmented Reality for the Numerical Modeling and Virtual Reality Master 2 in Laval, 2013-2014.

Thierry Fraichard
  • Master: Thierry Fraichard, Introduction to Perception and Robotics, 23h eqTD, M1 MOSIG, Univ. of Grenoble, France.

  • Master: Thierry Fraichard, Motion in Dynamic Workspaces, 2h eqTD, Computer SCience Master, Bar Ilan Univ., Israel.

  • Co-responsibility of the Graphic, Vision and Robotics track of the international MOSIG Master programme.

Patrick Reignier
  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Projet Génie Logiciel, 55h eqTD, M1, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France.

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Developpement d'applications communicantes, 18h eqTD, M2, ENSIMAG/Grenoble - INP, France

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Introduction aux applications réparties, 18h eqTD, M2, ENSIMAG/Grenoble - INP, France

  • Master: Patrick Reignier, Programmation Internet, 18h eqTD, M1, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France

  • Master : Patrick Reignier, Algorithmique, 50h eq TD, M1, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France

  • Licence: Patrick Reignier, Projet C, 20h eqTD, L3, ENSIMAG/Grenoble INP, France.

Patrick Reignier is supervising the industrial part of the “formation en apprentissage” of the ENSIMAG engineering school.


PhD defended in 2014
  • Julian Quiroga, "Scene Flow from RGBD Images", Th√®se doctorale de l'Universit√© de Grenoble, 7 November 2014, Directed by Frederic Devernay and James L. Crowley

  • Evanthia Mavridou, "Robust Image Description Using the Laplacian Profile and Radial Fourier Transform", Th√®se doctorale de l'Universit√© de Grenoble, 25 November 2014, directed by James L. Crowley and Augustin Lux.

  • Dimitri Mason, “Inspirez ! Explorez ! Soutien √† la cr√©ativit√© en conception d'interfaces homme-machine”, Th√®se doctorale de l'Universit√© de Grenoble, 25 Sept 2014, Directed by Alexandre Demeure and Gaelle Calvary.

Current Doctoral Students
  • Varun Jain, Perception of Human Emotions, University of Grenoble, expected March 2015, James Crowley

  • Sergi Pujades-Rocamora, Modeles de cameras et algorithmes pour la creation de contenu video 3D, expected fall 2015, Remi Ronfard (HDR) et Frederic Devernay

  • Etienne Balit, Multimodalite et interaction sociale, University of Grenoble, expected Fall 2016, Patrick Reignier (Professor), Dominique Vaufreydaz.

  • Viet Cuong Ta, Multiple Users localization in public large-scale space, University of Grenoble, expected Fall 2016, Eric Castelli (HDR, Mica laboratory Hanoi, Vietnam), Dominique Vaufreydaz.

  • Remi Paulin, Human-Robot Motion, University of Grenoble, expected Fall 2016, Thierry Fraichard (HDR).

  • Chen Jingtao, Doctoral student of University of Grenoble, expected 2017, directed by S. Coquillart Gr√©goire Nieto, Doctoral student of University of Grenoble, expected 2017, directed by F. Devernay Romain Br√©gier, Doctoral student of University of Grenoble, expected 2017, directed by F. Devernay, J. L. Crowley Alberto Quintero Delgado, Doctoral student of University of Grenoble, expected 2017, directed by F. Devernay


Thierry Fraichard served as an jury member for the PhD of Jean Gregoire from Ecole Nationale Superieure des Mines de Paris, "Priority-Based Coordination of Mobile Robots", and for the PhD of Helene Vorobieva from Universite d'Evry, "Conception et methode de validation des lois de controle pour des systemes de conduite automatisee du vehicule".

James L Crowley served on the following doctoral and Habilitation Juries:

  • Président, Thesis Jury of Arturo ESCOBEDO, Thèse Doctorale Université de Grenoble, Oct 2014

  • Président, Thesis Jury of Simon COURTEMANCHE, Thèse Doctorale Université de Grenoble, Oct 2014

  • Président, Thesis Jury of Yann LAURILLAU, Habilitation, Université de Grenoble, Nov 2014

  • Président, Thesis Jury of Vineet GANDHI, Thèse Doctorale Université de Grenoble, Dec 2014

Patrick Reignier served on the following doctoral Juries:

  • Member doctoral jury of Aysha Kashif, Thèse Doctorale Université de Grenoble, Jan 2014

  • Reporter doctoral jury of Olfa Mabrouk University Paris Est Créteil, Nov 2014

Sabine Coquillard servec on the following doctoral juries:

  • Member doctoral jury of Thi Thong Huyen NGUYEN, INSA Rennes. Nov. 2014

  • Member doctoral jury of Reporter doctoral jury of Jérôme Ardouin, INSA Rennes, Dec. 2014