

Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1O. Briant, C. Lemaréchal, P. Meurdesoif, S. Michel, N. Perrot, F. Vanderbeck.

    Comparison of Bundle and Classical Column Generation, in: Mathematical Programming, 2008, vol. 113, no 2, pp. 299–344.
  • 2S. Coulonges, A. Pêcher, A. Wagler.

    Characterizing and bounding the imperfection ratio for some classes of graphs, in: Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2009, vol. 118, no 1, pp. 37-46.

  • 3L. Gouveia, P. Pesneau.

    On extended formulations for the precedence constrained asymmetric traveling salesman problem, in: Networks, 2006, vol. 48, no 6, pp. 77–89.
  • 4A. Pêcher, A. Wagler.

    Almost all webs are not rank-perfect, in: Mathematical Programming, 2006, vol. 105, no 2-3, pp. 311–328.
  • 5R. Sadykov, L. A. Wolsey.

    Integer Programming and Constraint Programming in Solving a Multimachine Assignment Scheduling Problem with Deadlines and Release Dates, in: INFORMS Journal on Computing, 1 2006, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 209–217.
  • 6F. Vanderbeck.

    On Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition in integer programming and ways to perform branching in a branch-and-price algorithm, in: Operations Research, 2000, vol. 48, no 1, pp. 111–128.
  • 7F. Vanderbeck.

    Branching in Branch-and-Price: a Generic Scheme, in: Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2011, vol. 130, pp. 249-294. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10107-009-0334-1 ]

  • 8F. Vanderbeck.

    Computational Study of a Column Generation algorithm for Bin Packing and Cutting Stock problems, in: Mathematical Programming, Ser. A, 1999, vol. 86, pp. 565–594.
  • 9F. Vanderbeck, L. Wolsey.

    Reformulation and Decomposition of Integer Programs, in: 50 Years of Integer Programming 1958-2008, Springer, 2010, CORE DP 2009/16. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-540-68279-0_13 ]

Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 12C. Alves, J. M. Valério De Carvalho, F. Clautiaux, J. Rietz.

    Multidimensional dual-feasible functions and fast lower bounds for the vector packing problem, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2014, vol. 233, no 1, pp. 43-63.

  • 13O. Beaumont, N. Bonichon, L. Eyraud-Dubois, P. Uznanski, S. K. Agrawal.

    Broadcasting on Large Scale Heterogeneous Platforms under the Bounded Multi-Port Model, in: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, October 2014, vol. 25, no 10, pp. 2520-2528. [ DOI : 10.1109/TPDS.2013.245 ]

  • 14B. Detienne.

    A Mixed Integer Linear Programming approach to minimize the number of late jobs with and without machine availability constraints, in: European Journal of Operational Research, June 2014, vol. 235, no 3, pp. 540–552. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ejor.2013.10.052 ]

  • 15B. Detienne, D. Quadri, D. C. Rodrigues.

    Two phase solution for an intelligent moving target search problem based on a 0–1 linear model, in: International Journal of Production Research, October 2014, vol. 52, no 24, pp. 7177-7192. [ DOI : 10.1080/00207543.2014.970714 ]

  • 16M. T. Godinho, L. Gouveia, P. Pesneau.

    Natural and Extended formulations for the Time-Dependent Traveling Salesman Problem, in: Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2014, vol. 164, pp. 138-153. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.dam.2011.11.019 ]

  • 17A. Pêcher, G. J. Chang, M. Montassier, A. Raspaud.

    Strong chromatic index of planar graphs with large girth, in: Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory, 2014, forthcoming.

  • 18A. Pêcher, A. Wagler.

    Computing the clique number of a-perfect graphs in polynomial time, in: European Journal of Combinatorics, 2014, vol. 35, pp. 449-458.


Invited Conferences

International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 20O. Beaumont, L. Eyraud-Dubois, J.-A. Lorenzo-Del-Castillo.

    Analyzing Real Cluster Data for Formulating Allocation Algorithms in Cloud Platforms, in: Proceedings of the IEEE 26th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD), Paris, France, October 2014, pp. 302 - 309. [ DOI : 10.1109/SBAC-PAD.2014.44 ]

  • 21O. Beaumont, L. Eyraud-Dubois, J.-A. Lorenzo-Del-Castillo, P. Renaud-Goud.

    Efficient and Robust Allocation Algorithms in Clouds under Memory Constraints, in: HIPC - IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Goa, India, IEEE, December 2014, 12 p.

  • 22O. Beaumont, L. Marchal.

    Analysis of Dynamic Scheduling Strategies for Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Platforms, in: ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vancouver, Canada, June 2014. [ DOI : 10.1145/2600212.2600223 ]

  • 23J. Czyzowicz, E. Kranakis, D. Pajak, N. Taleb.

    Patrolling by Robots Equipped with Visibility, in: SIROCCO - 21th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity, Hida Takayama, Japan, M. M. Halldórsson (editor), Springer, July 2014, vol. 8576, pp. 224-234. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-09620-9_18 ]

  • 24R. Sadykov, A. A. Pessoa, E. Uchoa, F. Vanderbeck.

    Automatic stabilization for solving the Lagrangian dual problem using column generation, in: V International Conference Optimization and Applications, Petrovac, Montenegro, The Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, University of Montenegro and Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences and University of Evora, Portugal, September 2014.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 25S. Borne, P. Fouilhoux, R. Grappe, M. Lacroix, P. Pesneau.

    Branch-and-Cut algorithm for the connected-cut problem, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 26S. Borne, P. Fouilhoux, R. Grappe, M. Lacroix, P. Pesneau.

    Circuit and bond polytopes in series-parallel graphs, in: 3rd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2014.

  • 27M. Bué, F. Clautiaux, L. Brotcorne.

    Conception d'un système de rangement à deux niveaux, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 28B. Detienne.

    Extended formulations for robust maintenance planning at power plants, in: Gaspard Monge Program for Optimization : Conference on Optimization and Practices in Industry PGMO-COPI14, Saclay, France, October 2014.

  • 29M. Gerard, F. Clautiaux.

    planification hebdomadaire sur plusieurs sites d'un personnel hétérogène et poly-compétent sous contraintes multiples, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 30M. T. Godinho, L. Gouveia, T. L. Magnanti, P. Pesneau.

    On the Single Commodity Flow Formulation: Generalizing the Upper and Lower Flow Bounding Inequalities , in: 3rd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2014), Lisbon, Portugal, March 2014.

  • 31J. Han, P. Bendotti, B. Detienne, G. Petrou, M. Porcheron, R. Sadykov, F. Vanderbeck.

    Extended Formulation for Maintenance Planning at Power Plants, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 32H. H. Kramer, M. Fampa, V. Köhler, E. Uchoa, F. Vanderbeck.

    Staged Column Generation Approach for the Software Clustering Problem, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 33A. Parreau, F. Clautiaux.

    Coloration bornée avec multiplicité, in: ROADEF - 15ème congrès annuel de la Société française de recherche opérationnelle et d'aide à la décision, Bordeaux, France, February 2014.

  • 34A. Pêcher, O. Serra, A. K. Wagler, X. Zhu.

    How unique is Lovász's theta function?, in: VIII ALIO/EURO Workshop on Applied Combinatorial Optimization, Montevideo, Uruguay, December 2014.

  • 35R. Sadykov, A. A. Pessoa, E. Uchoa, F. Vanderbeck.

    Combining dual price smoothing and piecewise linear penalty function stabilization in column generation: experimental results, in: 3rd International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization ISCO'2014, Lisbon, Portugal, March 2014.

  • 36R. Sadykov.

    A column-and-row generation approach for scheduling and routing problems, in: Bordeaux-Kyoto Symposium, Bordeaux, France, May 2014.

  • 37F. Vanderbeck, A. A. Pessoa, R. Sadykov, E. Uchoa.

    The Multi-Point Separation Strategy as a Column Generation Stabilization Technique, in: INFORMS Annual Meeting 2014, San Francisco, United States, November 2014.


Other Publications

  • 38O. Beaumont, I. Belaid, L. Eyraud-Dubois, J.-A. Lorenzo-Del-Castillo.

    Allocating jobs with periodic demand variations, February 2015.

  • 39H. H. Kramer, E. Uchoa, M. Fampa, F. Vanderbeck, V. Kohler.

    Column Generation Approaches for the Software Clustering Problem, January 2015.

  • 40A. Pessoa, R. Sadykov, E. Uchoa, F. Vanderbeck.

    Automation and combination of linear-programming based stabilization techniques in column generation, October 2014.

References in notes
  • 41K. Akartunali, A. J. Miller.

    A Computational Analysis of Lower Bounds for Big Bucket Production Planning Problems, 2009.

  • 42K. Akartunali, A. J. Miller.

    A heuristic approach for big bucket multi-level production planning problems, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, pp. 396-411.

  • 43M. Alba Martínez, F. Clautiaux, M. Dell'Amico, M. Iori.

    Exact algorithms for the bin packing problem with fragile objects, in: Discrete Optimization, August 2013, vol. 10, no 3, pp. 210-223. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.disopt.2013.06.001 ]

  • 44P. Baptiste, R. Sadykov.

    On Scheduling a Single Machine to Minimize a Piecewise Linear Objective Function : A Compact MIP Formulation, in: Naval Research Logistics / Naval Research Logistics An International Journal, 2009, vol. 56, no 6, pp. 487–502.

  • 45P. Baptiste, R. Sadykov.

    Time Indexed Formulations for Scheduling Chains on a Single Machine: An Application to Airborne Radars, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2009.

  • 46M. Constantino, A. J. Miller, M. Van Vyve.

    Mixing MIR Inequalities with Two Divisible Coefficients, in: Mathematical Programming, Series A, 2009, pp. 1–1.

  • 47G. Dahl, D. Huygens, A. R. Mahjoub, P. Pesneau.

    On the k-edge disjoint 2-hop-constrained paths polytope, in: Operations Research Letters, 2005, vol. 34, pp. 577–582.
  • 48B. Denton, A. J. Miller, H. Balasubramanian, T. Huschka.

    Optimal Allocation of Surgery Blocks to Operating Rooms Under Uncertainty, in: Operations Research, 2009, pp. 1–1.

  • 49B. Fortz, A. R. Mahjoub, S. T. McCormick, P. Pesneau.

    Two-edge connected subgraphs with bounded rings: polyhedral results and branch-and-cut, in: Mathematical Programming, 2006, vol. 105, no 1, pp. 85–111.
  • 50M. T. Godinho, L. Gouveia, T. L. Magnanti, P. Pesneau, J. Pires.

    On a Time-Dependent Model for the Unit Demand Vehicle Routing Problem, Centro de Investigacao Operacional da Universidade de Lisboa, 2007, no 11-2007.
  • 51M. T. Godinho, L. Gouveia, T. L. Magnanti, P. Pesneau, J. Pires.

    On Time-Dependent Model for Unit Demand Vehicle Routing Problems, in: International Conference on Network Optimization, INOC, International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), 2007.
  • 52Y. Guan, S. Ahmed, A. J. Miller, G. Nemhauser.

    On formulations of the stochastic uncapacitated lot-sizing problem, in: Operations Research Letters, 2006, vol. 34, pp. 241-250.
  • 53Y. Guan, S. Ahmed, G. Nemhauser, A. J. Miller.

    A branch-and-cut algorithm for the stochastic uncapacitated lot-sizing problem, in: Mathematical Programming, 2006, vol. 105, pp. 55-84.
  • 54L. Gély, G. Dessagne, P. Pesneau, F. Vanderbeck.

    A multi scalable model based on a connexity graph representation, in: 11th International Conference on Computer Design and Operation in the Railway and Other Transit Systems COMPRAIL'08, Toledo, Spain, September 2008.
  • 55L. Gély.

    Real-time train scheduling at SNCF, in: 1st Workshop on Robust Planning and Rescheduling in Railways, ARRIVAL meeting on Robust planning and Rescheduling in Railways, April 2007.
  • 56J. Han, P. Pesneau, A. Pessoa, E. Uchoa, F. Vanderbeck.

    Column Generation Stabilization using Dual Smoothing: Theory & Practice, in: Column Generation 2012, Bromont, Canada, June 2012.

  • 57Y. Hendel, R. Sadykov.

    Timing problem for scheduling an airborne radar, in: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling, Istanbul, Turkey, April 2008, pp. 132-135.
  • 58D. Huygens, M. Labbé, A. R. Mahjoub, P. Pesneau.

    The two-edge connected hop-constrained network design problem: Valid inequalities and branch-and-cut, in: Networks, 2007, vol. 49, no 1, pp. 116-133.
  • 59D. Huygens, A. R. Mahjoub, P. Pesneau.

    Two edge-disjoint hop-constrained paths and polyhedra, in: SIAM Journal of Discrete Mathematics, 2004, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 287–312.
  • 60C. Joncour.

    Problèmes de placement 2D et application à l'ordonnancement : modélisation par la théorie des graphes et approches de programmation mathématique, University Bordeaux I, December 2010.
  • 61C. Joncour, S. Michel, R. Sadykov, D. Sverdlov, F. Vanderbeck.

    Column Generation based Primal Heuristics, in: Submitted to ISCO 2010, 2010.
  • 62C. Joncour, A. Pêcher, P. Pesneau, F. Vanderbeck.

    Mathematical programming formulations for the orthogonal 2d knapsack problem, in: Livre des résumé du 9ème Congrès de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, February 2008, pp. 255–256.

  • 63C. Joncour, A. Pêcher.

    Consecutive ones matrices for multi-dimensional orthogonal packing problems, in: Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, 2012, vol. 11, no 1, pp. 23-44. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10852-011-9167-z ]

  • 64C. Joncour, A. Pêcher, P. Valicov.

    MPQ-trees for the orthogonal packing problem, in: Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms, March 2012, vol. 11, no 1, pp. 3-22. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10852-011-9159-z ]

  • 65P. Meurdesoif, P. Pesneau, F. Vanderbeck.

    Meter installation for monitoring network traffic, in: International Conference on Network Optimization, INOC, International Network Optimization Conference (INOC), 2007.
  • 66P. Meurdesoif, P. Pesneau, F. Vanderbeck.

    A Branch­-and­-Cut algorithm to optimize sensor installation in a network, in: Graph and Optimization Meeting GOM2008, France Saint-Maximin, 2008.
  • 67S. Michel.

    Optimisation des tournées de véhicules combinées à la gestion de stock, Université Bordeaux 1, Dec 2006.
  • 68S. Michel, N. Perrot, F. Vanderbeck.

    Knapsack Problems with Setups, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2009, vol. 196, pp. 909-918.

  • 69S. Michel, F. Vanderbeck.

    A Column Generation based Tactical Planning Method for Inventory Routing, Inria, 2008.

  • 70S. Michel, F. Vanderbeck.

    A Column Generation based Tactical Planning Method for Inventory Routing, in: Operations Research, 2012, vol. 60, no 2, pp. 382-397.

  • 71M. Mourgaya, F. Vanderbeck.

    The Periodic Vehicle Routing Problem: classification and heuristic, in: RAIRO-OR, April-June 2006, vol. 40, no 2, pp. 169–194.
  • 72M. Mourgaya, F. Vanderbeck.

    Column generation based heuristic for tactical planning in multi period vehicle routing, in: European Journal of Operational Research, 2007, vol. 183, no 3, pp. 1028-1041.
  • 73M. Padberg, G. Rinaldi.

    A branch-and-cut algorithm for the resolution of large-scale symmetric traveling salesman problems, in: SIAM Review, 1991, vol. 33, no 1, pp. 60–100.
  • 74N. Perrot.

    Advanced IP column generation strategies for the cutting stock stock problem and its variants, University Bordeaux 1, 2005.
  • 75N. Perrot, F. Vanderbeck.

    Industrial Cutting Stock Problem, in: Collection Sciences, Technologie Informatique, Presses Universitaires de Valenciennes, 2006.
  • 76P. Pesneau, R. Sadykov, F. Vanderbeck.

    Feasibility Pump Heuristics for Column Generation Approaches, in: 11th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Bordeaux, France, LNCS series, Springer, June 2012.

  • 77A. Pessoa, R. Sadykov, E. Uchoa, F. Vanderbeck.

    In-Out Separation and Column Generation Stabilization by Dual Price Smoothing, in: 12th International Symposium on Experimental Algorithms, Rome, Italy, V. Bonifaci, C. Demetrescu, A. Marchetti-Spaccamela (editors), June 2013, Sringer, June 2013, vol. LNCS 7933, pp. 354-365. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-642-38527-8 ]

  • 78M. Poggi, D. Pecin, M. Reis, C. Ferreira, K. Neves, R. Sadykov, F. Vanderbeck.

    Equipment/Operator task scheduling with BAPCOD, in: Column Generation 2012, Bromont, Canada, June 2012.

  • 79A. Pêcher, A. Wagler.

    Almost all webs are not rank-perfect, in: Mathematical Programming, 2006, vol. 105, pp. 311–328.
  • 80R. Sadykov.

    A branch-and-check algorithm for minimizing the sum of the weights of the late jobs on a single machine with release dates, in: European Journal of Operations Research, 2008, vol. 189, no 3, pp. 1284–1304.

  • 81R. Sadykov.

    A polynomial algorithm for a simple scheduling problem at cross docking terminals, Inria, 2009, RR-7054.

  • 82R. Sadykov.

    On scheduling malleable jobs to minimise the total weighted completion time, in: 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Russie Moscow, 2009.

  • 83R. Sadykov.

    Scheduling incoming and outgoing trucks at cross docking terminals to minimize the storage cost, in: Annals of Operations Research, 2012, vol. 201, no 1, pp. 423-440. [ DOI : 10.1007/s10479-012-1232-0 ]

  • 84R. Sadykov, F. Vanderbeck.

    Bin Packing with conflicts: a generic branch-and-price algorithm, in: INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2013, vol. 25, no 2, pp. 244-255. [ DOI : 10.1287/ijoc.1120.0499 ]

  • 85G. Stauffer.

    The p-median Polytope of Y-free Graphs: An Application of the Matching Theory, in: Operations Research Letters, 2008.

  • 86A. Sutter, F. Vanderbeck, L. A. Wolsey.

    Optimal Placement of Add/Drop Multiplexers: Heuristic and Exact Algorithms, in: Operations Research, 1998, vol. 46, no 5, pp. 719–728.
  • 87F. Vanderbeck, J. Han, P. Pesneau, A. Pessoa, R. Sadykov, E. Uchoa.

    Column Generation Stabilization using Dual Smoothing: Theory and Practice, in: Informs Annual Meeting: Informatics Rising, Phoenix, États-Unis, October 2012.

  • 88F. Vanderbeck, J. Han, P. Pesneau, A. Pessoa, R. Sadykov, E. Uchoa.

    Unifying procedures for Cut-Column Generation and Stabilization, in: Workshop on Integer Programming, Valparaiso, Chili, March 2012.

  • 89F. Vanderbeck, C. Joncour, S. Michel, P. Pesneau, A. Pessoa, M. Poggi, R. Sadykov, E. Uchoa.

    Primal heuristics for branch-and-price, in: 21th International Symposium on Mathematical Programming (ISMP 2012), Berlin, Allemagne, August 2012.

  • 90F. Vanderbeck.

    Exact algorithm for minimising the number of setups in the one-dimensional cutting stock problem, in: Operations Research, 2000, vol. 48, no 5, pp. 915–926.
  • 91F. Vanderbeck.

    A nested decomposition approach to a 3-stage 2-dimensional cutting stock problem, in: Management Science, 2001, vol. 47, no 2, pp. 864–879.
  • 92F. Vanderbeck.

    Extending Dantzig's Bound to the Bounded Multiple-class Knapsack Problem, in: Mathematical Programming, Ser. A, 2002, vol. 94, no 1, pp. 125–136.
  • 93F. Vanderbeck.

    Lot-sizing with start-up times, in: Management Science, 1998, vol. 44, no 10, pp. 1409–1425.
  • 94F. Vanderbeck.

    Computational study of a column generation algorithm for bin packing and cutting stock problems, in: Mathematical Programming, Ser. A, 1999, vol. 86, pp. 565–594.
  • 95B. Vignac, B. Jaumard, F. Vanderbeck.

    Hierarchical Heuristic for the GRWA Problem in WDM Networks with Delay Constraints, Inria, 2009, 18 p.

  • 96B. Vignac, F. Vanderbeck, B. Jaumard.

    Nested Decomposition Approach to an Optical Network Design Problem, Inria, 2009, 18 p.

  • 97B. Vignac, F. Vanderbeck, B. Jaumard.

    Reformulation and Decomposition Approaches for Traffic Routing in Optical Networks, Inria, 2009, 36 p.

  • 98B. Vignac.

    Résolution d'un problème de groupage dans le réseaux optiques maillés, Université de Montréal, January 2010.