Section: New Software and Platforms
IBR in Unity
Participants : Jerome Esnault, Gaurav Chaurasia, George Drettakis.
We have ported our image-based rendering algorithm to the Unity game engine, in collaboration with the Testaluna game company. This technology transfer is in the context of the CR-PLAY EU project.
Our implementation offers important features to game developers:
Automatic generation of IBR datasets (calibrated cameras and 3D reconstruction) from multiple images of a scene.
Ability to use different structure-from-motion (Bundler or VisualSFM) and multiview-stereo algorithms (PMVS or MVE from our partner TU Darmstadt).
Integration of the rendering algorithm in Unity for game prototyping. This port required us to translate the algorithm from C++ to C and to adapt shaders to be compatible with Unity requirements.
Figure 3 shows a screenshot of our Unity package in use for the creation of a simple game.