Section: New Results
Plausible and Realistic Image Rendering
Multi-View Intrinsic Images for Outdoors Scenes with an Application to Relighting
Participants : Sylvain Duchêne, Clement Riant, Gaurav Chaurasia, Stefan Popov, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis.
We introduce a method to compute intrinsic images for a multi-view set of outdoor photos with cast shadows, taken under the same lighting. We use an automatic 3D reconstruction from these photos and the sun direction as input and decompose each image into reflectance and shading layers, despite the inaccuracies and missing data of the 3D model. Our approach is based on two key ideas. First, we progressively improve the accuracy of the parameters of our image formation model by performing iterative estimation and combining 3D lighting simulation with 2D image optimization methods. Second we use the image formation model to express reflectance as a function of discrete visibility values for shadow and light, which allows us to introduce a robust visibility classifier for pairs of points in a scene. This classifier is used for shadow labeling, allowing us to compute high quality reflectance and shading layers. We then create shadow-caster geometry that preserves shadow silhouettes. Combined with the intrinsic layers, this approach allows multi-view relighting with moving cast shadows. We present results on several multi-view datasets, and show how it is now possible to perform image-based rendering with changing illumination conditions.
This work is part of an industrial partnership with Autodesk and is under revision for ACM Transactions On Graphics.
Compiler and Tiling Strategies for IIR Filters
Participants : Gaurav Chaurasia, George Drettakis.
We present a compiler for parallelizing IIR or recursive filters. IIR filters are frequently used for convolutions, but they cannot exploit GPUs because they are very hard to parallelize and also exhibit poor memory locality which hinders performance on both CPUs and GPUs. We present algorithmic tiling strategies for IIR filters which overcome these limitations. Tiled IIR filters are notoriously hard to implement and hence largely ignored by programmers and hardware vendors. We present a compiler front-end that supports intuitive functional specification and tiling of IIR filters. We demonstrate that different tiling strategies may be optimal on different platforms and filter parameters; our compiler can express the exhaustive set of alternatives in just 10-20 lines of code. This enables programmers to easily explore a large variety of trade-offs at different levels of granularity, thereby making it easier and more likely to discover the optimal implementation, while also producing intuitive and maintainable code. Our initial results show that our compiler is as terse as vendor provided libraries, but it allows exploiting the algorithmic advantages of tiling which cannot be provided by any precompiled library.
For example, our compiler can compute a nearly 8 times faster summed area table ( image) in 20 lines of code including a fully customized CUDA schedule, as compared to 10 lines in NVIDIA Thrust which does not allow tiling or customizing the CUDA schedule.
This ongoing work is a collaboration with Jonathan Ragan-Kelley (Stanford University), Sylvain Paris (Adobe) and Fredo Durand (MIT).
Video based rendering
Participants : Abdelaziz Djelouah, George Drettakis.
In this project our objective is to propose a new algorithm for novel view synthesis in the case of dynamic scene. The main difference compared to static image-based rendering is the limited number of viewpoints and the presence of the extra time dimension. In a configuration where the number of cameras is limited, segmentation becomes crucial to identify moving foreground regions. To facilitate the difficult task of multi-view segmentation, we currently target scenes captured with stereo cameras. Stereo pairs provide important information on the geometry of the scene while simplifying the segmentation problem.
This ongoing work is a collaboration with Gabriel Brostow from University College London in the context of the CR-PLAY EU project.
Temporally Coherent Video De-Anaglyph
Participants : Joan Sol Roo, Christian Richardt.
This work investigates how to convert existing anaglyph videos to the full-color stereo format used by modern displays. Anaglyph videos only contain half the color information compared to the full-color videos, and the missing color channels need to be reconstructed from the existing ones in a plausible and temporally coherent fashion. In our approach, we put the temporal coherence of the stereo video results front and center (see Figure 4 ). As a result, our approach is both efficient and temporally coherent. In addition, it computes temporally coherent optical flow and disparity maps that can be used for various post-processing tasks. As a practical contribution, we also make the source code of our implementation available online under CeCILL-B license.
This work was carried out by Joan Sol Roo during his internship in the summer of 2013. The work was presented as a talk and poster at SIGGRAPH 2014 [20] .
Probabilistic Connection Path Tracing
Participants : George Drettakis, Stefan Popov.
Bi-directional path tracing (BDPT) with Multiple Importance Sampling (MIS) is one of the most versatile unbiased rendering algorithms today. BDPT repeatedly generates sub-paths from the eye and the lights, which are connected for each pixel and then discarded. Unfortunately, many such bidirectional connections turn out to have low contribution to the solution. The key observation in this project, is that we can find better connections to an eye sub-path by considering multiple light sub-paths at once and creating connections probabilistically only with the most promising ones. We do this by storing light paths, and estimating probability density functions (PDF) of the discrete set of possible connections to all light paths. This has two key advantages: we efficiently create connections with high quality contributions by Monte Carlo sampling, and we reuse light paths across different eye paths. We also introduce a caching scheme for PDFs by deriving a low-dimensional approximation to sub-path contribution.
This ongoing work is a collaboration with Fredo Durand from MIT and Ravi Ramamoorthi from the University of California San Diego in the context of the CRISP associate team.
Unified Color and Texture Transfer for By-Example Scene Editing
Participants : Fumio Okura, Kenneth Vanhoey, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis.
Color and texture transfer methods are at the heart of by-example image editing techniques. Color transfer well represents the change of overall scene appearance; however it does not represent the change of texture and shape. On the other hand, by-example texture transfer expresses the texture change but it often destroys the target scene structure. We seek the best combination of by-example color and texture transfer to combine these transfer methods so as to selectively work where each method is suitable. Given the source and exemplar pair, the proposed algorithm learns local error metrics which describe if local change between the source and exemplar is best expressed by color or texture transfer. The metric provides us with a local prediction of where we need to synthesize textures using a texture transfer method. This work is a collaboration with Alexei Efros from UC Berkeley in the context of the associate team CRISP.
Improved Image-Based Rendering
Participants : Rodrigo Ortiz Cayon, Abdelaziz Djelouah, George Drettakis.
Image-based rendering algorithms based on warping present strong artifacts when rendering surfaces at grazing angle. We are working on a new IBR algorithm that overcomes this problem by rendering superpixel segments as piece-wise homography transformations. The input to our method is a set of images calibrated and a 3D point cloud generated from multi-view stereo reconstruction. In pre-processing we robustly fit planes to superpixel segments that contain reconstruction information and then propagate plausible depth and normal information for image-based rendering. Novel views are obtained by re-projecting superpixel segments as homography from different input views, then adaptively blending them according to distortion and confidence estimations.
Structured Procedural Textures
Participants : Kenneth Vanhoey, George Drettakis.
Textures form a popular tool to add visual detail to shapes, objects and scenes. Manual texture design is however a time-consuming process. An alternative is to generate textures from an input exemplar (i.e. an acquired photograph) automatically. The difficulty is to synthesize textures of arbitrary size from a single input, preferably with no repetition artifacts. State of the art synthesis techniques can be categorized in two: copy-based techniques and procedural noise-based ones. The first copy pixels using iterative algorithms. The latter deduce a continuous mathematical function from the exemplar, and evaluate it on the space to be textured. They have the advantage of continuity (no resolution-dependence, minimized memory storage, etc.) and fast local evaluation suitable for parallel GPU implementation. They are however tedious to define and manipulate. Current state of the art methods are limited to reproducing Gaussian patterns, that is, textures with no or few structure.
We investigate how to go beyond this limit. Noise-based methods constrain the Fourier power spectrum of a texture-generating noise function to resemble the spectrum of the exemplar. By also constraining the phase of the Fourier spectrum to resemble the exemplar, an exact reproduction is obtained, thus lacking variety and showing maximal repetition. By randomizing the phases, an unstructured "same-looking" image is obtained. This is suitable for noise-like patterns (e.g., marble, wood veins, sand) but not for structured ones (e.g., brick wall, mountain rocks, woven yarn).
In this project, we proceed by investigating the phase spectrum of an image. It contains the structure but identifying how and where is difficult. To characterize structure, we will exploit the splatting process of local random-phase noise and exhibit possible correlations between local phases and spatial placement.
This ongoing work is a collaboration with Ian Jermyn from Durham University.