Section: New Results
Interaction and Design for Virtual Environments
Evaluation of Direct Manipulation using Finger Tracking for Complex Tasks in an Immersive Cube
Participants : Emmanuelle Chapoulie, George Drettakis.
We present a solution for interaction using finger tracking in a cubic immersive virtual reality system (or immersive cube). Rather than using a traditional flystick device, users can manipulate objects with fingers of both hands in a close-to-natural manner for moderately complex, general purpose tasks. Our solution couples finger tracking with a real-time physics engine, combined with a heuristic approach for hand manipulation, which is robust to tracker noise and simulation instabilities. We performed a first study to evaluate our interface with tasks involving complex manipulations, such as balancing objects while walking in the cube. The users finger-tracked manipulation was compared to manipulation with a 6 degree-of-freedom flystick, as well as with carrying out the same task in the real world. Users were also asked to perform a free task, allowing us to observe their perceived level of presence in the scene. Our results showed that our approach provides a feasible interface for immersive cube environments and is perceived by users as being closer to the real experience compared to the flystick. However, the flystick outperforms direct manipulation in terms of speed and precision.
This work is a collaboration with Maria Roussou and Evanthia Dimara from the University of Athens, Maud Marchal from Inria Rennes, and Jean-Christophe Lombardo from Inria Sophia Antipolis. The work has been published in the journal Virtual Reality [13] .
We have also worked on a followup study in which we examine a much more controlled context, studying only very limited movements, in 1D, 2D and 3D. To do this we designed specific devices that can be instantiated both in the virtual world and as physical objects. We compared finger manipulation to wand and to real configurations; the study demonstrated the feasibility of such a controlled comparison for the study of finger-based interaction. This work is in collaboration with InSitu, specifically F. Tsandilas, W. Mackay and L. Oehlberg, and has been accepted for publication in 2015 at IEEE 3DUI.
Reminiscence Therapy using Image-Based Rendering in VR
Participants : Emmanuelle Chapoulie, George Drettakis, Rachid Guerchouche, Gaurav Chaurasia.
We present a novel VR solution for Reminiscence Therapy (RT), developed jointly by a group of memory clinicians and computer scientists. RT involves the discussion of past activities, events or experiences with others, often with the aid of tangible props which are familiar items from the past; it is a popular intervention in dementia care. We introduced an immersive VR system designed for RT, which allows easy presentation of familiar environments. In particular, our system supports highly-realistic Image-Based Rendering in an immersive setting. To evaluate the effectiveness and utility of our system for RT, we performed a study with healthy elderly participants to test if our VR system could help with the generation of autobiographical memories. We adapted a verbal Autobiographical Fluency protocol to our VR context, in which elderly participants were asked to generate memories based on images they were shown. We compared the use of our image-based system for an unknown and a familiar environment. The results of our study showed that the number of memories generated for a familiar environment is higher than the number of memories obtained for an unknown environment using our system. This indicates that IBR can convey familiarity of a given scene, which is an essential requirement for the use of VR in RT. Our results also showed that our system is as effective as traditional RT protocols, while acceptability and motivation scores demonstrated that our system is well tolerated by elderly participants.
This work is a collaboration with Pierre-David Petit and Philippe Robert from the CMRR in Nice. The work has been published in the Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality [19] .
Lightfield Editing
Participant : Adrien Bousseau.
Lightfields capture multiple nearby views of a scene and are consolidating themselves as the successors of conventional photographs. As the field grows and evolves, the need for tools to process and manipulate lightfields arises. However, traditional image manipulation software such as Adobe Photoshop are designed to handle single views and their interfaces cannot cope with multiple views coherently. We conducted a thorough study to evaluate different lightfield editing interfaces, tools and workflows from a user perspective. We additionally investigate the potential benefits of using depth information when editing, and the limitations imposed by imperfect depth reconstruction using current techniques. We perform two different experiments, collecting both objective and subjective data from a varied number of point-based editing tasks of increasing complexity: In the first experiment, we rely on perfect depth from synthetic lightfields, and focus on simple edits. This allows us to gain basic insight on lightfield editing, and to design a more advanced editing interface. This is then used in the second experiment, employing real lightfields with imperfect reconstructed depth, and covering more advanced editing tasks. Our study shows that users can edit lightfields with our tested interface and tools, even in the presence of imperfect depth. They follow different workflows depending on the task at hand, mostly relying on a combination of different depth cues. Last, we confirm our findings by asking a set of artists to freely edit both real and synthetic lightfields.
This work is a collaboration with Adrian Jarabo, Belen Masia and Diego Gutierrez from Universidad de Zaragoza and Fabio Pellacini from Sapienza Universita di Roma. This work was published at ACM Transactions on Graphics 2014 (Proc. SIGGRAPH) [14] .
True2Form: 3D Curve Networks from 2D Sketches via Selective Regularization
Participant : Adrien Bousseau.
True2Form is a sketch-based modeling system that reconstructs 3D curves from typical design sketches. Our approach to infer 3D form from 2D drawings is a novel mathematical framework of insights derived from perception and design literature. We note that designers favor viewpoints that maximally reveal 3D shape information, and strategically sketch descriptive curves that convey intrinsic shape properties, such as curvature, symmetry, or parallelism. Studies indicate that viewers apply these properties selectively to envision a globally consistent 3D shape. We mimic this selective regularization algorithmically, by progressively detecting and enforcing applicable properties, accounting for their global impact on an evolving 3D curve network. Balancing regularity enforcement against sketch fidelity at each step allows us to correct for inaccuracy inherent in free-hand sketching. We perceptually validate our approach by showing agreement between our algorithm and viewers in selecting applicable regularities. We further evaluate our solution by: reconstructing a range of 3D models from diversely sourced sketches; comparisons to prior art; and visual comparison to both ground-truth and 3D reconstructions by designers.
This work is a collaboration with James McCrae and Karan Singh from the University of Toronto and Xu Baoxuan, Will Chang and Alla Sheffer from the University of British Columbia. The paper was published at ACM Transactions on Graphics 2014 (Proc. SIGGRAPH) [18] .
BendFields: Regularized Curvature Fields from Rough Concept Sketches
Participants : Adrien Bousseau, Emmanuel Iarussi.
Designers frequently draw curvature lines to convey bending of smooth surfaces in concept sketches. We present a method to extrapolate curvature lines in a rough concept sketch, recovering the intended 3D curvature field and surface normal at each pixel of the sketch. This 3D information allows us to enrich the sketch with 3D-looking shading and texturing. We first introduce the concept of regularized curvature lines that model the lines designers draw over curved surfaces, encompassing curvature lines and their extension as geodesics over flat or umbilical regions. We build on this concept to define the orthogonal cross field that assigns two regularized curvature lines to each point of a 3D surface. Our algorithm first estimates the projection of this cross field in the drawing, which is non-orthogonal due to foreshortening. We formulate this estimation as a scattered interpolation of the strokes drawn in the sketch, which makes our method robust to sketchy lines that are typical for design sketches. Our interpolation relies on a novel smoothness energy that we derive from our definition of regularized curvature lines. Optimizing this energy subject to the stroke constraints produces a dense non-orthogonal 2D cross field, which we then lift to 3D by imposing orthogonality. Thus, one central concept of our approach is the generalization of existing cross field algorithms to the non-orthogonal case. We demonstrate our algorithm on a variety of concept sketches with various levels of sketchiness. We also compare our approach with existing work that takes clean vector drawings as input.
This work is a collaboration with David Bommes from Titane project team, Inria Sophia-Antipolis. The manuscript has been accepted for publication with minor revisions at ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG).
Line Drawing Interpretation in a Multi-View Context
Participant : Adrien Bousseau.
Many design tasks involve the creation of new objects in the context of an existing scene. Existing work in computer vision only provides partial support for such tasks. On the one hand, multi-view stereo algorithms allow the reconstruction of real-world scenes, while on the other hand algorithms for line-drawing interpretation do not take context into account. This work combines the strength of these two domains to interpret line drawings of imaginary objects drawn over photographs of an existing scene. The main challenge we face is to identify the existing 3D structure that correlates with the line drawing while also allowing the creation of new structure that is not present in the real world. We propose a labeling algorithm to tackle this problem, where some of the labels capture dominant orientations of the real scene while a free label allows the discovery of new orientations in the imaginary scene.
This work is a collaboration with Jean-Dominique Favreau and Florent Lafarge from Titane project team, Inria Sophia-Antipolis and is under submission for the CVPR conference.
Wrap It! Computer-Assisted Design and Fabrication of Wire Wrapped Jewelry
Participants : Adrien Bousseau, Emmanuel Iarussi.
We developed an interactive tool to assist the process of creating and crafting wire wrapped pieces of jewelry. In a first step, we guide the user in conceiving designs which are suitable to be fabricated with metal wire. In a second step, we assist fabrication by taking inspiration from jigs-based techniques, frequently used by craftsmen as a way to guide and support the wrapping process. Given a vector drawing composed of curves to be fabricated, it is crucial to first decompose it into segments that can be constructed with metal wire. Literature on jewelry-making provides a wide range of examples to perform this task, but they are hard to generalize to any input design. Based on the observation of these examples, we distill and generalize a set of design principles behind the finished pieces of jewelry. Relying on those principles, we propose an algorithm that generates a decomposition of the input where each piece is a single component of wire, that can be wrapped and gathered with the others. In addition, we also automate the design of custom physical jigs for fabrication of the jewelry piece. A jig consists of a board with holes on it, arranged in a regular grid structure. By placing a set of pins (of different radius) on the jig, the craftman builds a support structure that guides the wrapping process. The wire is bended and twisted around those pins to create the shape. Given the input design curves and the available jig parameters (size, number and radius of the pins), we propose an algorithm to automatically generate an arrangement of pins in order to better approximate the input curve with wire. Finally, users can follow automatically-generated step-by-step instructions to place the pins in the jig board and fabricate the end piece of jewelry.
This ongoing work is a collaboration with Wilmot Li from Adobe, San Francisco. The project was initiated by a 3-months visit of Emmanuel Iarussi at Adobe.
Studying how novice designers communicate with sketches and prototypes
Participant : Adrien Bousseau.
We performed a user study to better understand how novice designers communicate a concept during the different phases of its development. Our study was conducted as a one-day design contest where participants had to propose a concept, present it to a jury, describe it to an engineer and finally fabricate a prototype with the help of another participant. We collected sketches and videos for all steps of this exercise in order to evaluate how the concept evolves and how it is described to different audiences. We hope that our findings will inform the development of better computer-assisted design tools for novices.
This is an ongoing work in collaboration with Wendy McKay, Theophanis Tsandilas and Lora Oehlberg from the InSitu project team - Inria Saclay, in the context of the ANR DRAO project.
Vectorising Bitmaps into Semi-Transparent Gradient Layers
Participants : Christian Richardt, Adrien Bousseau, George Drettakis.
Vector artists create complex artworks by stacking simple layers. We demonstrate the benefit of this strategy for image vectorisation, and present an interactive approach for decompositing bitmap drawings and studio photographs into opaque and semi-transparent vector layers. Semi-transparent layers are especially challenging to extract, since they require the inversion of the non-linear compositing equation. We make this problem tractable by exploiting the parametric nature of vector gradients, jointly separating and vectorising semi-transparent regions. Specifically, we constrain the foreground colours to vary according to linear or radial parametric gradients, restricting the number of unknowns and allowing our system to efficiently solve for an editable semi-transparent foreground.
We propose a progressive workflow, where the user successively selects a semi-transparent or opaque region in the bitmap, which our algorithm separates as a foreground vector gradient and a background bitmap layer. The user can choose to decompose the background further or vectorise it as an opaque layer. The resulting layered vector representation allows a variety of edits, as illustrated in Figure 11 , such as modifying the shape of highlights, adding texture to an object or changing its diffuse colour. Our approach facilitates the creation of such layered vector graphics from bitmaps, and we thus see our method as a valuable tool for professional artists and novice users alike.
This work is a collaboration with Jorge Lopez-Moreno, now a postdoc at the University of Madrid, and Maneesh Agrawala from the University of California, Berkeley in the context of the CRISP Associated Team. The paper was presented at the Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) 2014, and is published in a special issue of the journal Computer Graphics Forum [17] .