Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Participants : Emmanuelle Chapoulie, Stefan Popov, George Drettakis.
The ANR ALTA project started in October 2011, and focuses on the development of novel algorithms for realistic and efficient global illumination. The project is coordinated by the Grenoble Inria group ARTIS (N.Holzschuch), and the Bordeaux Inria group MANAO (X. Granier) is also a partner. Our participation is the study of error bounds for these algorithms and the development of interactive global illumination, and the development of the new global illumination algorithm described in Sec. 6.2.5 .
Participants : Emmanuel Iarussi, Adrien Bousseau.
The ANR DRAO is a young researcher project coordinated by Adrien Bousseau, in collaboration with the InSitu project team at Inria Saclay - Ile de France (W. Mackay and T. Tsandilas) and the MANAO project team (P. Barla and G. Guennebaud) and POTIOC project team (M. Hachet) at Inria Bordeaux - Sud Ouest. The goal of this collaboration is to develop novel drawing tools for amateurs as well as for expert designers and illustrators, combining expertise in Computer Graphics (REVES and MANAO) and Human-Computer Interaction (InSitu, POTIOC). This ANR project funds the PhD of Emmanuel Iarussi.
The first part of the project will be to observe how people draw with existing tools. To do so we will conduct observational studies where we will interview designers and illustrators and collect data by videotaping drawing sessions and by recording drawings with digital pens. In the second part of the project we will deduce from our observations new user interfaces and rendering algorithms that automate part of the drawing process and enrich 2D drawings with realistic rendering capabilities. We will combine computer vision and computer graphics techniques to estimate geometric information from sketches. We will then use this information to guide rendering algorithms that generate plausible depictions of material and lighting over the drawing. In the third part of the project, we plan to develop computer-assisted drawing lessons to teach amateurs how to draw from photographs and 3D models. We will apply image analysis algorithms to estimate the structure of a photograph and use that structure as guidance for drawing. To summarize, the goal of the ANR DRAO project is to make amateurs more confident in their drawing skills and to allow expert designers to produce complex illustrations more effectively.
The ANR DRAO has resulted in two publications this year on 3D modeling from sketches [18] and on vectorization of photographs [17] .
Participant : George Drettakis.
This ANR project started in October 2013. The goal is to use semantic information to improve urban reconstruction and rendering. The consortium is led by ENPC (R. Marlet) and includes the Inria Willow team and the GREY-C laboratory on image processing. Our contribution will be in the rendering part.