RITS - 2014
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Research Visitors

Visits of International Scientists

  • Prof. Plamen PETROV: professor at the Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria). He has been an invited professor at Inria from June to September 2014. Prof. Petrov's visit is the sixth of its kind since 2009. This close collaboration in the area of automatic control has very fruitful results and outcomes. This year's joint research topic dealt with the design and implementation of saturated control for automated parking maneuvers (cf. section 6.9 ). In validation to 2013 activities, two articles were published in 2014: [28] and [44] .

  • Dr. Maria Piedad Garrido Picazo and Dr. Francisco Jose Martinez Dominguez: assistant professors of the University of Zaragoza, invited from June until September 2014. During their visit, they worked on routing and multicast issues in VANET.

  • Wei Lin Ku: master student at National Chiao Tung University (Hsinchu, Taiwan). He has been an Inria intership student from April until October 2014. During this period, he studied and developed several DPM based strategies to detect and classify road obstacles (cars, pedestrians,...).

  • Mickaël Bergem, Hugues Thomas, Roxane Delpeyrat, Laurent Laflèche: 2nd year at ENPC. They had a group project on reactive path planning using potential fields from April to June 2014.

  • Carlos Eduardo Flores Pino, Giampaolo Otero Ridolfi, Luis Guillermo Roldao Jimenez, Jean Carlos Rivera Pabon: they worked on different methods for improving energy consumption of urban vehicles.

  • Leopoldo Gonzalez Clarembaux: He was in master 2 at Telecom Paris-Sud (Evry). He developed perception and control strategies for autonomous docking for the electric freight vehicle Furbot. His work was implemented in simulation and on our Cybus platform.

Visits to International Teams

Research stays abroad

Guy Fayolle has been invited two weeks (5-19 oct. 2014) at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh (Prof. S. Foss, math. dept.).