Section: New Software and Platforms
New Software
The following software items have been submitted very recently to the APP; some already have IDDN references. Some of these are under improvement and other have already been transferred to industrial partners.
SODA: This software has been developed in the context of the French ABV (Automatisation Basse Vitesse) project. This package contains the functions that are necessary to automate the vehicle navigation in its secured lane. This software has been purchased by a private partner (Valeo Group) aiming at developing its own automated vehicle.
MELOSYM: this is the latest laser based Hierarchical ML-SLAM algorithm developed by RITS. It contains all the functions needed to perform the vehicle localization and the mapping of the environment. Windows compatible, it was initially developed under the MAPS platform but the version includes a standalone version. This software has been evaluated by a private partner aiming at developing its own automated vehicle for indoor applications. It is currently evaluated by another private partner aiming at implementing our solution on its outdoor automated shuttles.
STEREOLOC: this is the package performing stereovision based localization and mapping. It performs semi-dense mapping of outdoor large environments and provides real-time estimates of the vehicle position. The software was tested and validated using MAPS like databases as well as the KITTI benchmark.
This software performs real-time obstacle detection and tracking using laser data scanned with one or several laser sensors with different geometric configurations. Obstacle detection is based on laser data segmentation while obstacle tracking uses PHD-based filtering techniques. The software is currently evaluated by a private partner aiming at implementing our solution on its outdoor automated unmanned vehicles.
FEMOT (Fuzzy Embedded MOTor) is an experimental motor for implementing fuzzy logic controllers, including all the fuzzy stages (fuzzification, inference, and defuzzification). This library has been compiled in Microsoft Visual (MVS) Studio and RTMaps. The proposed library is modular and adaptable to different situations and scenarios, especially for autonomous driving applications. FEMOT allows the development of the fuzzy rules to be written as sentences in an almost natural language. It allows the user to define variables and their fuzzy rules and to join them with other variables in rules to yield crisp signals for the controllers. The APP deposit was delivered May 2014. The Properties defined in FEMOT shows the number of inputs, outputs and fuzzy rules that the controller needs.
This software is used for the arbitration and control for fully automated functions. The behaviour of a human driver can be emulated with this technique. First simulations are showing promising results, and the library allows an easy adaptation in decision marking situations.
It is a software developed for the Vehicle-to-Pedestrian (V2P) communications, risk calculation, and alarming pedestrians of collision risk [34] . This software is made of an Android application dedicated to pedestrians and RtMaps modules for the vehicles.
On the pedestrian side, the application is relying on GPS data to localize the user and Wi-Fi communications are used to receive messages about close vehicles and send information about the pedestrian positioning. Besides, a service has been developed to evaluate the collision risk with the vehicles near the pedestrian and an HMI based on OpenStreetMap displays all the useful information such as pedestrian and vehicles localization and, collision risk.
On the vehicle side, RtMaps modules allowing V2X communications have been developed. These modules contain features such as TCP/UDP socket transmissions, broadcast, multicast, unicast communications, routing, forwarding algorithms, and application specific modules. In the V2ProVu software, a particular application module has been implemented to create data packets containing information about the vehicle state (position, speed, yaw rate,...) and the V2X communication stack is used to broadcast these packets towards pedestrians. Moreover, the V2proVu application can also receive data from pedestrians and create objects structures that can be shared with the vehicle perception tools.