ROMA - 2014
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry


Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

  • 1G. Aupy.

    Resilient and energy-efficient scheduling algorithms at scale, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, September 2014.

  • 2W. M. Sid-Lakhdar.

    Scaling the solution of large sparse linear systems using multifrontal methods on hybrid shared-distributed memory architectures , École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, December 2014.

  • 3D. Zaidouni.

    Combining checkpointing and other resilience mechanisms for exascale systems, École normale supérieure de Lyon, December 2014.


Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 4P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, G. Joslin, J.-Y. L'Excellent, W. M. Sid-Lakhdar, C. Weisbecker, M. Forzan, C. Pozza, R. Perrin, V. Pellissier.

    Shared-Memory Parallelism and Low-Rank Approximation Techniques Applied to Direct Solvers in FEM Simulation, in: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, February 2014, vol. 50, no 2. [ DOI : 10.1109/TMAG.2013.2284024 ]

  • 5G. Aupy, A. Benoit, M. Journault, Y. Robert.

    Power-aware replica placement in tree networks with multiple servers per client, in: Sustainable Computing, September 2014, 18 p. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.suscom.2014.08.013 ]

  • 6A. Benoit, L.-C. Canon, L. Marchal.

    Non-clairvoyant reduction algorithms for heterogeneous platforms, in: Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience, 2014, 13 p. [ DOI : 10.1002/cpe.3347 ]

  • 7G. Bosilca, A. Bouteiller, J. Dongarra, T. Hérault, Y. Robert.

    Composing resilience techniques: ABFT, periodic and incremental checkpointing, in: The International Journal of Networking and Computing, March 2015, 18 p.

  • 8M. Bougeret, H. Casanova, Y. Robert, F. Vivien, D. Zaidouni.

    Using group replication for resilience on exascale systems, in: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, May 2014, vol. 28, no 2, pp. 210-224. [ DOI : 10.1177/1094342013505348 ]

  • 9H. Casanova, F. Dufossé, Y. Robert, F. Vivien.

    Mapping Applications on Volatile Resources, in: International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 2015, 19 p.

  • 10J. Dongarra, T. Hérault, Y. Robert.

    Performance and reliability trade-offs for the double checkpointing algorithm, in: The International Journal of Networking and Computing, March 2014, vol. 4, no 1, 18 p.

  • 11J. Herrmann, L. Marchal, Y. Robert.

    Memory-aware tree traversals with pre-assigned tasks, in: Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 2014.

  • 12A. Knight, D. Ruiz, B. Uçar.

    A Symmetry Preserving Algorithm for Matrix Scaling, in: SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 2014, vol. 35, no 3, 25 p. [ DOI : 10.1137/110825753 ]

  • 13J.-Y. L'Excellent, W. M. Sid-Lakhdar.

    A study of shared-memory parallelism in a multifrontal solver, in: Parallel Computing, February 2014, vol. 40, no 3-4, pp. 34-46. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.parco.2014.02.003 ]

  • 14T. Lambert, L. Marchal, B. Uçar.

    Comments on the hierarchically structured bin packing problem, in: Information Processing Letters, 2015, vol. 115, no 2, pp. 306–309. [ DOI : 10.1016/j.ipl.2014.10.001 ]


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 15G. Aupy, A. Benoit, M. Journault, Y. Robert.

    Power-aware replica placement in tree networks with multiple servers per client, in: EuroPar - 20th International European Conference on Parallel Processing, Porto, Portugal, August 2014, vol. 8632, 11 p. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-09873-9_51 ]

  • 16O. Beaumont, L. Marchal.

    Analysis of Dynamic Scheduling Strategies for Matrix Multiplication on Heterogeneous Platforms, in: ACM Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vancouver, Canada, June 2014. [ DOI : 10.1145/2600212.2600223 ]

  • 17H. Casanova, L. Lim, Y. Robert, F. Vivien, D. Zaidouni.

    Cost-Optimal Execution of Boolean Query Trees with Shared Streams, in: 28th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, Phoenix, United States, IEEE, May 2014.

  • 18F. Dufossé, K. Kaya, B. Uçar.

    Bipartite matching heuristics with quality guarantees on shared memory parallel computers, in: IPDPS 2014, Phoenix, Arizona, United States, IEEE Computer Society, May 2014, 28 p.

  • 19M. Faverge, J. Herrmann, J. Langou, B. Lowery, Y. Robert, J. Dongarra.

    Designing LU-QR hybrid solvers for performance and stability, in: IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, Phoenix, United States, May 2014.

  • 20A. Grandjean, B. Uçar.

    On Partitioning Two Dimensional Finite Difference Meshes for Distributed Memory Parallel Computers, in: PDP - 22nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, Turin, Italy, IEEE, February 2014, pp. 9 - 16. [ DOI : 10.1109/PDP.2014.10 ]

  • 21T. Hérault, J. Herrmann, L. Marchal, Y. Robert.

    Determining the Optimal Redistribution for a Given Data Partition, in: 13th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (ISPDC), Marseille, France, 2014. [ DOI : 10.1109/ISPDC.2014.16 ]


Books or Proceedings Editing

Internal Reports

  • 23G. Aupy, A. Benoit.

    Approximation algorithms for energy, reliability and makespan optimization problems, July 2014, no RR-8107, 32 p.

  • 24G. Aupy, A. Benoit, H. Casanova, Y. Robert.

    Scheduling computational workflows on failure-prone platforms, ENS Lyon ; LIP ; Inria ; CNRS ; Université Lyon 1, October 2014, no RR-8609.

  • 25G. Aupy, A. Benoit, M. Journault, Y. Robert.

    Power-aware replica placement in tree networks with multiple servers per client, February 2014, no RR-8474.

  • 26A. Benoit, A. Cavelan, Y. Robert, H. Sun.

    Assessing general-purpose algorithms to cope with fail-stop and silent errors, Inria, September 2014, no RR-8599.

  • 27H. Casanova, L. Lim, Y. Robert, F. Vivien, D. Zaidouni.

    Cost-Optimal Execution of Boolean DNF Trees with Shared Streams, Inria, November 2014, no RR-8616.

  • 28L. Eyraud-Dubois, L. Marchal, O. Sinnen, F. Vivien.

    Parallel scheduling of task trees with limited memory, 2014, no RR-8606, 37 p.

  • 29A. Gainaru, G. Aupy, A. Benoit, F. Cappello, Y. Robert, M. Snir.

    Scheduling the I/O of HPC applications under congestion, LIP, October 2014, no RR-8519, 25 p.

  • 30A. Guermouche, L. Marchal, B. Simon, F. Vivien.

    Scheduling Trees of Malleable Tasks for Sparse Linear Algebra, ENS Lyon, October 2014, no 8616.

  • 31J. Herrmann, L. Marchal, Y. Robert.

    Memory-aware list scheduling for hybrid platforms, February 2014, no RR-8461, 30 p.

  • 32T. Hérault, J. Herrmann, L. Marchal, Y. Robert.

    Determining the optimal redistribution, March 2014, no RR-8499.

  • 33O. Kaya, E. Kayaaslan, B. Uçar, I. S. Duff.

    Fill-in reduction in sparse matrix factorizations using hypergraphs, January 2014, no RR-8448.

  • 34L. Marchal, F. Vivien, B. Simon.

    Scheduling malleable task trees, September 2014, no RR-8587.


Scientific Popularization

  • 35B. Uçar, A.-J. N. Yzelman.

    SIAM’s CSC Workshop Series Marks 10th Year, December 2014, A news article on the sixth SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing,.


Other Publications

  • 36M. Faverge, J. Herrmann, J. Langou, B. Lowery, Y. Robert, J. Dongarra.

    Mixing LU and QR factorization algorithms to design high-performance dense linear algebra solvers, December 2014, submitted to JPDC special issue for IPDPS14.

References in notes
  • 37Blue Waters Newsletter, dec 2012.

  • 38Blue Waters Resources, 2013.

  • 39The BOINC project, 2013.

  • 40Final report of the Department of Energy Fault Management Workshop, December 2012.

  • 41System Resilience at Extreme Scale: white paper, 2008, DARPA.

  • 42Top500 List - November, 2011.

  • 43Top500 List - November, 2012.

  • 44I. Assayad, A. Girault, H. Kalla.

    Tradeoff exploration between reliability power consumption and execution time, in: Proceedings of SAFECOMP, the Conf. on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security, Washington, DC, USA, 2011.
  • 45H. Aydin, Q. Yang.

    Energy-aware partitioning for multiprocessor real-time systems, in: IPDPS'03, the IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2003, pp. 113–121.
  • 46N. Bansal, T. Kimbrel, K. Pruhs.

    Speed Scaling to Manage Energy and Temperature, in: Journal of the ACM, 2007, vol. 54, no 1, pp. 1 – 39.

  • 47A. Benoit, L. Marchal, J.-F. Pineau, Y. Robert, F. Vivien.

    Scheduling concurrent bag-of-tasks applications on heterogeneous platforms, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2010, vol. 59, no 2, pp. 202-217.
  • 48L. S. Blackford, J. Choi, A. Cleary, E. D'Azevedo, J. Demmel, I. Dhillon, J. Dongarra, S. Hammarling, G. Henry, A. Petitet, K. Stanley, D. Walker, R. C. Whaley.

    ScaLAPACK Users' Guide, SIAM, 1997.
  • 49S. Blackford, J. Dongarra.

    Installation Guide for LAPACK, LAPACK Working Note, June 1999, no 41, originally released March 1992.
  • 50A. Buttari, J. Langou, J. Kurzak, J. Dongarra.

    Parallel tiled QR factorization for multicore architectures, in: Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 2008, vol. 20, no 13, pp. 1573-1590.
  • 51J.-J. Chen, T.-W. Kuo.

    Multiprocessor energy-efficient scheduling for real-time tasks, in: ICPP'05, the Int. Conference on Parallel Processing, 2005, pp. 13–20.
  • 52S. Donfack, L. Grigori, W. Gropp, L. V. Kale.

    Hybrid Static/dynamic Scheduling for Already Optimized Dense Matrix Factorization, in: Parallel Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2012 IEEE 26th International, 2012, pp. 496-507.

  • 53J. Dongarra, J.-F. Pineau, Y. Robert, Z. Shi, F. Vivien.

    Revisiting Matrix Product on Master-Worker Platforms, in: International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 2008, vol. 19, no 6, pp. 1317-1336.
  • 54J. Dongarra, J.-F. Pineau, Y. Robert, F. Vivien.

    Matrix Product on Heterogeneous Master-Worker Platforms, in: 13th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming, Salt Lake City, Utah, February 2008, pp. 53–62.
  • 55I. S. Duff, J. K. Reid.

    The multifrontal solution of indefinite sparse symmetric linear systems, in: "ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software", 1983, vol. 9, pp. 302-325.
  • 56I. S. Duff, J. K. Reid.

    The multifrontal solution of unsymmetric sets of linear systems, in: SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 1984, vol. 5, pp. 633-641.
  • 57L. Grigori, J. W. Demmel, H. Xiang.

    Communication avoiding Gaussian elimination, in: Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing, Piscataway, NJ, USA, SC '08, IEEE Press, 2008, 29:1 p.

  • 58B. Hadri, H. Ltaief, E. Agullo, J. Dongarra.

    Tile QR Factorization with Parallel Panel Processing for Multicore Architectures, in: IPDPS'10, the 24st IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2010.
  • 59J. W. H. Liu.

    The multifrontal method for sparse matrix solution: Theory and Practice, in: SIAM Review, 1992, vol. 34, pp. 82–109.
  • 60R. Melhem, D. Mossé, E. Elnozahy.

    The Interplay of Power Management and Fault Recovery in Real-Time Systems, in: IEEE Transactions on Computers, 2004, vol. 53, no 2, pp. 217-231.
  • 61A. J. Oliner, R. K. Sahoo, J. E. Moreira, M. Gupta, A. Sivasubramaniam.

    Fault-aware job scheduling for bluegene/l systems, in: IPDPS'04, the IEEE Int. Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004, pp. 64–73.
  • 62G. N. S. Prasanna, B. R. Musicus.

    Generalized Multiprocessor Scheduling and Applications to Matrix Computations, in: IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst., 1996, vol. 7, no 6, pp. 650-664.
  • 63G. N. S. Prasanna, B. R. Musicus.

    The Optimal Control Approach to Generalized Multiprocessor Scheduling, in: Algorithmica, 1996, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 17-49.
  • 64G. Quintana-Ortí, E. Quintana-Ortí, R. A. van de Geijn, F. G. V. Zee, E. Chan.

    Programming Matrix Algorithms-by-Blocks for Thread-Level Parallelism, in: ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 2009, vol. 36, no 3.
  • 65Y. Robert, F. Vivien.

    Algorithmic Issues in Grid Computing, in: Algorithms and Theory of Computation Handbook, Chapman and Hall/CRC Press, 2009.
  • 66G. Zheng, X. Ni, L. V. Kale.

    A scalable double in-memory checkpoint and restart scheme towards exascale, in: Dependable Systems and Networks Workshops (DSN-W), 2012.

  • 67D. Zhu, R. Melhem, D. Mossé.

    The effects of energy management on reliability in real-time embedded systems, in: Proc. of IEEE/ACM Int. Conf. on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 2004, pp. 35–40.