Section: Application Domains
A study has been achieved by Jean-Michel Poggi, Benjamin Auder and Bruno Portier (INSA de Rouen), in the context of a collaboration between AirNormand, Orsay University and INSA of Rouen. It is an application of sequential prediction. To build the prediction, the question is to optimally combine before every term of forecast, the predictions of a set of experts. The study is original not only because of the specific field of application and the adaptation to the concrete context of the work of the air quality monitor in regional agency, but the main originality is that the initial set of experts contains at the same time experts coming from statistical models built by means of different methods and of different predictors and from experts coming from deterministic physico-chemical models. The interest of this kind of sequential prediction method in this specific context is under investigation and the first results on three monitoring stations are promising.