Section: New Results
Exploring real datas
Maxime Amblard explored the use of formal framework for modelling transcription of real interviews, in particular one involves in the SLAM project with schizophrenics. Schizophrenia is well-known among mental illnesses for the severity of the thought disorders it involves, and for their widespread and spectacular manifestations: from deviant social behavior to delusion, not to mention affective and sensitive distortions. The goal of our interdisciplinary work is to (i) analyze linguistic troubles in conversational contexts in which one of the speakers is schizophrenic, (ii) construe how the concept of rationality and logicality may apply to them, and (iii) propose a formal representation about this specific manifestation. Maxime Amblard, Sylvain Pogodalla and Karen Fort propose surveys on past results [35] , [29] .
Maxime Amblard and Karen Fort have studied experiments they led concerning disfluencies in the discourse of schizophrenic patients (in remediation). These experiments are part of a larger study dealing with other levels of linguistic analysis, that could eventually help identifying clues leading to the diagnostic of the disease. This study largely relies on natural language processing tools, which allow for the rapid processing of massive textual data (here, more than 375,000 words). The first phase of the study, which they present confirmed the correlation between schizophrenia and the number of disfluences appearing in the discourse [25] . Moreover they have discussed ethical issues on the corpus with others [26] .