
Publications of the year

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 1F. D. Hutu, A. Khoumeri, G. Villemaud, J.-M. Gorce.

    A new wake-up radio architecture for wireless sensor networks, in: EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, October 2014, 10 p. [ DOI : 10.1186/1687-1499-2014-177 ]

  • 2M. Maso, E. Baştuğ, L. Cardoso, M. Debbah, Ö. Özdemir.

    Reconfigurable cognitive transceiver for opportunistic networks, in: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2014, vol. 2014, no 1, 69 p.

  • 3L. Rose, S. M. Perlaza, C. J. Le Martret, M. Debbah.

    Self-Organization in Decentralized Networks: A Trial and Error Learning Approach, in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, January 2014, vol. 13, no 1, pp. 268 - 279. [ DOI : 10.1109/TWC.2013.112613.130405 ]

  • 4Y. Wu, Y. Chen, J. Tang, D. K. So, Z. Xu, I. Chih-Lin, P. Ferrand, J.-M. Gorce, C.-H. Tang, P.-R. Li, K.-T. Feng, L.-C. Wang, K. Borner, L. Thiele.

    Green transmission technologies for balancing the energy efficiency and spectrum efficiency trade-off, in: IEEE Personal Communications / IEEE Personal Communications Magazine, November 2014, vol. 52, no 11, pp. 112 - 120. [ DOI : 10.1109/MCOM.2014.6957151 ]

  • 5D. Zhiguo, S. M. Perlaza, I. Esnaola, H. V. Poor.

    Power Allocation Strategies in Energy Harvesting Wireless Cooperative Networks, in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, February 2014, vol. 13, no 2, pp. 846-860.


Articles in Non Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 6F. D. Hutu, B. Allard, F. Jumel, M. Maranzana, K. Marquet, L. Morel, L. V. Phung, T. Risset, D. Tournier, G. Salagnac, J. Verdier.

    Formation par projet et opportunité d'accès à distance à des ressources pédagogiques, in: J3eA - Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes, May 2014, vol. 13, no 5, pp. 1-10. [ DOI : 10.1051 ]


Invited Conferences

  • 7B. Denis, N. Amiot, B. Uguen, A. Guizar, C. Goursaud, A. Ouni, C. Chaudet.

    Qualitative Analysis of RSSI Behavior in Cooperative Wireless Body Area Networks for Mobility Detection and Navigation Applications, in: ICECS 2014, Marseille, France, December 2014.

  • 8J.-M. Gorce.

    Body area networks: a new wireless network paradigm, in: Wireless@Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, United States, May 2014.

  • 9S. M. Perlaza, R. Tandon, H. V. Poor.

    Decentralized Interference Channels with Noisy Feedback Possess Pareto Optimal Nash Equilibria, in: Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), Athens, Greece, May 2014.

  • 10G. Villemaud, F. Hutu, T. Risset, J.-M. Gorce.

    Enjeux et propositions sur les architectures RF pour l'homme connecté à la société numérique, in: Journées Scientifiques URSI 2014, Paris, France, March 2014.

  • 11G. Villemaud.

    The Software Defined Radio for Wireless Systems, in: Hot topics in RFID/NFC, Valence, France, November 2014.

  • 12G. Villemaud, Z. Zhan, F. Hutu, T. Risset, J.-M. Gorce.

    Study of a Full-Duplex Dual- Band OFDM Transceiver, in: DUPLO Workshop on Full - Duplex Radios and Systems, Oulu, Finland, June 2014.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 13F. Ait Aoudia, K. Marquet, G. Salagnac.

    Incremental checkpointing of program state to NVRAM for transiently-powered systems, in: ReCoSoC - 7th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems-on-Chip, Montpellier, France, June 2014.

  • 14L. S. Cardoso, A. Massouri, B. Guillon, P. Ferrand, F. Hutu, G. Villemaud, T. Risset, J.-M. Gorce.

    CorteXlab: A Facility for Testing Cognitive Radio Networks in a Reproducible Environment, in: Proc. 9th International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications (CROWNCOM), Oulu, Finland, June 2014, pp. 503 - 507. [ DOI : 10.4108/icst.crowncom.2014.255812 ]

  • 15L. S. Cardoso, A. Massouri, B. Guillon, F. Hutu, G. Villemaud, T. Risset, J.-M. Gorce.

    CorteXlab: A Cognitive Radio Testbed for Reproducible Experiments, in: Proc. Wireless @ Virginia Tech Symposium, Blacksburg, United States, May 2014.

  • 16M. Dardaillon, K. Marquet, T. Risset, J. Martin, H.-P. Charles.

    A Compilation Flow for Parametric Dataflow: Programming Model, Scheduling, and Application to Heterogeneous MPSoC, in: International Conference on Compilers, Architecture and Synthesis for Embedded Systems (CASES), New Dehli, India, October 2014, pp. 1-10. [ DOI : 10.1145/2656106.2656110 ]

  • 17M. Dardaillon, K. Marquet, T. Risset, J. Martin, H.-P. Charles.

    Compilation for heterogeneous SoCs : bridging the gap between software and target-specific mechanisms, in: workshop on High Performance Energy Efficient Embedded Systems - HIPEAC, Vienne, Austria, January 2014.

  • 18M. Dardaillon, K. Marquet, T. Risset, J. Martin, H.-P. Charles.

    Contrôle d'application flot de données pour les systèmes sur puces : étude de cas sur la plateforme Magali, in: ComPAS : conférence en parallélisme, architecture et systèmes, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, P. Felber, L. Philippe, E. Riviere, A. Tisserand (editors), April 2014, pp. 1 - 12.

  • 19F. De Dinechin, M. Istoan, A. Massouri.

    Sum-of-Product Architectures Computing Just Right, in: ASAP - Application-specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, Zurich, Switzerland, June 2014.

  • 20M.-T. Do, C. Goursaud, J.-M. Gorce.

    Interference Modelling and Analysis of Random FDMA scheme in Ultra Narrowband Networks, in: AICT 2014, Paris, France, July 2014.

  • 21J.-M. Gorce, D. Tsilimantos, P. Ferrand, H. V. Poor.

    Energy-Capacity Trade-off Bounds in a downlink typical cell, in: IEEE 25th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, Washington, United States, IEEE, September 2014.

  • 22A. Guizar, A. Ouni, C. Goursaud, N. Amiot, J.-M. Gorce.

    Impact of MAC Scheduling on Positioning Accuracy for Motion Capture with Ultra Wideband Body Area Networks, in: BodyNet 2014, London, United Kingdom, September 2014. [ DOI : 10.4108/icst.bodynets.2014.257113 ]

  • 23A. Guizar, A. Ouni, C. Goursaud.

    Impact of Mobility on Ranging Estimation using UltraWideband, in: ACM SIGCOMM 2014 conference, Chicago, United States, August 2014, pp. 1-2.

  • 24F. Hutu, A. Khoumeri, G. Villemaud, J.-M. Gorce.

    Wake-up radio architecture for home wireless networks, in: IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, United States, January 2014.

  • 25A. Khoumeri, F. D. Hutu, G. Villemaud, J.-M. Gorce.

    Study of a Wake Up Radio Architecture for Home Multimedia Networks, in: ECUMICT 2014, Gent, Belgium, L. Strycker (editor), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, March 2014, vol. 302, pp. 63-72. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-05440-7_6 ]

  • 26M. Lauzier, A. Fraboulet, J.-M. Gorce, T. Risset.

    Distributed Mobile Group Detection Algorithms: Application to Cycling Race, in: Ninth IEEE Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications 2014, Edmonton, Canada, September 2014.

  • 27M. Luo, G. Villemaud, J.-M. Gorce, J. Zhang.

    Realistic prediction of outage probability and confidence interval of BER for indoor radio communications, in: EUCAP 2014, The Hague, Netherlands, April 2014, pp. 2105 - 2109. [ DOI : 10.1109/EuCAP.2014.6902223 ]

  • 28A. Massouri, L. Cardoso, B. Guillon, F. Hutu, G. Villemaud, T. Risset, J.-M. Gorce.

    CorteXlab: An Open FPGA-based Facility for Testing SDR & Cognitive Radio Networks in a Reproducible Environment, in: INFOCOM'2014 Demo/Poster Session, Toronto, Canada, IEEE, April 2014.

  • 29A. Massouri, T. Risset.

    FPGA-based Implementation of Multiple PHY Layers of IEEE 802.15.4 Targeting SDR Platform, in: SDR-WInnComm, Schaumburg, Illinois, United States, Wireless Innovation Forum, April 2014.

  • 30B. Mawlawi, J.-B. Doré, N. Lebedev, J.-M. Gorce.

    Analysis of Frequency Channel Division Strategy for CSMA/CA with RTS/CTS Mechanism, in: International Conference on Sensing Technology, Liverpool, United Kingdom, September 2014, 5 p.

  • 31S. M. Perlaza, R. Tandon, H. V. Poor.

    Symmetric Decentralized Interference Channels with Noisy Feedback, in: IEEE Intl. Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Honolulu, HI, United States, June 2014.

  • 32M. Vallerian, G. Villemaud, B. Miscopein, T. Risset, F. Hutu.

    SDR for SRD: ADC specifications for reconfigurable gateways in urban sensor networks, in: IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, United States, January 2014.

  • 33Z. Zhan, G. Villemaud, J.-M. Gorce.

    Analysis and Reduction of the Impact of Thermal Noise on the Full-Duplex OFDM Radio, in: IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, United States, January 2014.

  • 34Z. Zhan, G. Villemaud, F. Hutu, J.-M. Gorce.

    Digital Estimation and Compensation of I/Q Imbalance for Full-Duplex Dual-Band OFDM Radio, in: PIMRC 2014, Washington, United States, September 2014.

  • 35Z. Zhan, G. Villemaud.

    Combination of Digital Self-Interference Cancellation and AARFSIC for Full-Duplex OFDM Wireless, in: ICCC 2014, Shanghai, China, October 2014.

  • 36W. Zhou, G. Villemaud, T. Risset.

    Full Duplex Prototype of OFDM on GNURadio and USRPs, in: IEEE Radio Wireless Symposium, Newport Beach, United States, January 2014.


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 37M. T. Do, C. Goursaud, J.-M. Gorce.

    On the Benefits of Random FDMA Schemes in Ultra Narrow Band Networks, in: WiOpt/WNC3, Tunisia, May 2014.

  • 38M. Lauzier, T. Risset, A. Fraboulet, J.-M. Gorce.

    Live Group Detection for Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks, in: BodyNets 2014 - 9th International Conference on Body Area Networks, Londres, United Kingdom, September 2014. [ DOI : 10.4108/icst.bodynets.2014.257026 ]

  • 39B. Mawlawi, J.-B. Do, N. Lebedev, J.-M. Gorce.

    Multiband CSMA/CA with RTS-CTS strategy, in: Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, Larnaca, Cyprus, October 2014, pp. 628 - 633. [ DOI : 10.1109/WiMOB.2014.6962236 ]

  • 40B. Mawlawi, J.-B. Doré, N. Lebedev, J.-M. Gorce.

    Performance Evaluation Of Multiband CSMA/CA With RTS/CTS For M2M Communication With Finite Retransmission Strategy, in: International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking, Rome, Italy, September 2014, vol. 40, pp. 108-115.


Scientific Books (or Scientific Book chapters)

  • 41S. M. Perlaza, S. Lasaulce.

    Game-Theoretic Solution Concepts and Learning Algorithms, in: Mechanisms and Games for Dynamic Spectrum Allocation, T. Alpcan, H. Boche, M. Honig, H. V. Poor (editors), Cambridge University Press, 2014, pp. 185-221. [ DOI : 10.1017/CBO9781139524421.009 ]

  • 42G. Villemaud.

    Les communications multi-*, Presses académiques francophones, March 2014.


Internal Reports

Other Publications

References in notes
  • 47I. Akyildiz, W.-Y. Lee, M. Vuran, S. Mohanty.

    A survey on spectrum management in cognitive radio networks, in: Communications Magazine, IEEE, April 2008, vol. 46, no 4, pp. 40 -48.
  • 48K. Biesecker, J. Dobiac, N. Fekadu, M. Jones, C. Kain, K. Raman.

    Software Defined Radio Roadmap, 2008, Noblis Technical Report, for National Institute of Justice, USA.
  • 49Equipex.

    Future internet of thins, 2011.

  • 50Joint Program Executive Office (JPEO), Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS).

    Software Communications Architecture Specification, 2006, JTRS Standards, version 2.2.2.
  • 51J. Mitola III.

    The software radio, in: IEEE National Telesystems Conference, 1992.
  • 52J. Mitola III.

    Software radios: Survey, critical evaluation and future directions, in: Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE, Apr 1993, vol. 8, no 4, pp. 25-36.
  • 53P. Steenkiste, D. Sicker, G. Minden, D. Raychaudhuri.

    Future Directions in Cognitive Radio Network Research, 2009, NSF Workshop Report.
  • 54M. Weiser.

    The computer for the 21st Century, in: Pervasive Computing, IEEE, January 2002, vol. 99, no 1, pp. 19 -25.
  • 55Q. Zhang, F. H. P. Fitzek, V. B. Iversen.

    Cognitive radio MAC protocol for WLAN, in: Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, 2008, pp. 1-6.