Section: Research Program
Software Radio Programming Model
Participants : Tanguy Risset, Kevin Marquet, Guillaume Salagnac, Florent de Dinechin.
Finally the third research axis is concerned with software aspect of the software radio terminal (left of Fig 3 ). We have currently two actions in this axis, the first one concerns the programming issues in software defined radio devices, the second one focusses on low power devices: how can they be adapted to integrate some reconfigurability.
The expected contributions of Socrate in this research axis are :
The design and implementation of a “middleware for sdr ”, probably based on a Virtual Machine.
Prototype implementations of novel software radio systems, using chips from Leti and/or Lyrtech software radio boards (Lyrtech ( ) designs and sells radio card receivers with multiple antennas offering the possibility to implement a complete communication stack).
Development of a smart node: a low-power Software-Defined Radio node adapted to wsn applications.
Methodology clues and programming tools to program all these prototypes.