Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : Annie Ressouche,Critical Software Verification and application to WComp Middleware, 20h, niveau (M2), Polytech Nice School of Nice University, FR and ESPRIT (Tunisia).
Jean-Paul Rigault is Full Professor of Computer Science at Polytech'Nice (University of Nice): courses on C++ (beginners and advanced), C, System Programming, Software Modeling.
PhD: Piotr Bilinski, Gesture Recognition in Videos, 5th December 2014, François Brémond.
PhD: Ratnesh Kumar, Fiber-based segmentation of videos for activity recognition, 15th December 2014, Guillaume Charpiat and Monique Thonnat.
PhD in progress: Julien Badie, People tracking and video understanding, October 2011, François Brémond.
PhD in progress : Carolina Garate, Video Understanding for Group Behaviour Analysis, August 2011, François Brémond.
PhD in progress : Auriane Gros, Evaluation and Specific Management of Emotionnal Disturbances with Activity Recognition Systems for Alzheimer patient, François Brémond.
PhD in progress : Minh Khue Phan Tran, Man-machine interaction for older adults with dementia, May 2013, François Brémond.
PhD in progress : Michal Koperski, Detecting critical human activities using RGB/RGBD cameras in home environment, François Brémond.
PhD in progress : Thi Lan Anh Nguyen, Complex Activity Recognition from 3D sensors, François Brémond.
François Brémond was jury member of the following PhD and HDR theses:
Jean-Paul Rigault was reviewer and jury president of the PhD of Nadezhda Baklanova, University of Toulouse, December 2014.
Guillaume Charpiat reviewed Eduardo Ferández-Moral's PhD thesis (Malaga University, Spain, September 2014).
Jean-Paul Rigault was a member of the ISO Committee on the C++ language.
François Brémond was expert for the Proposal KIC Healthy Ageing (Innolife) Expert Group1: Independent living.
François Brémond was expert for EU European Reference Network for Critical Infrastructure Protection (ERNCIP) - Video Anlaytics and surveillance Group, at European Commission’s Joint Research Centre in Brussels in August and October 2014.
François Brémond was expert for reviewing tutorial proposals for ICIP'14.
François Brémond participated to the expertise for NEM (New European Media) an EU ETP concerning media, creativity and content to provide future strategies for EU research funding under H2020.
François Brémond was expert for the committee selection for the tenure track, Mines School - ParisTech, June 2014.