Section: Dissemination
Aministrative duties
Éric Badouel is secretary of the Permanent Committee of CARI, co-Director of LIRIMA, and the Scientific Manager for Africa and Middle-East region at Inria DRI.
Nathalie Bertrand is secretary and committee member of Gilles Kahn PhD prize.
Éric Fabre is the co-director of the joint research lab of Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs France and Inria, together with Olivier Audouin on Bell Labs' side. This lab has currently five active joint research teams. Éric Fabre is also member of the Scientific Committee of the joint lab of Alstom and Inria.
Blaise Genest is member of the Comité de Centre of Inria Rennes, and of the CNRS CRFP of Bretagne.
Loïc Hélouët was member of the hiring comittee a associate professor at INSA Rennes. Loïc Hélouët is currently référent chercheur (advisor) for Inria Rennes sharing this responsibility with Christine Morin.
Thierry Jéron is member of the IFIP Working Group 10.2 on Embedded Systems. He is vice-chairman of the project committee of Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique. He gave an invited lecture on "Model-based conformance test generation for timed systems" at WODES'2014. He was member of 3 committees to hire Inria junior scientists (CR2 at Lillle and Saclay and CR1)