Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

general chair, scientific chair

Nathalie Bertrand is an elected steering committee member for the international conference QEST (Quantitative Evaluation of Systems).

Thierry Jéron was member of the steering committee of Movep 2014 in Nantes (July 2014).

Hervé Marchand is member of the IFAC Technical Committees (TC 1.3 on Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems) since 2005. He is member of the steering committee of MSR (Modélisation de systèmes réactifs).

Scientific events selection

chair/member of conference program committee

Éric Badouel has served in the Programme Committee of BPM'2014 Demos and CARI'2014.

Nathalie Bertrand was PC co-chair of QAPL'14 with L. Bortolussi. She was on the program committee of workshops PRUV'14 and QAPL'14, and of the international conferences QEST'14, TACAS'14.

Loïc Hélouët was member of the program committee of SAM'2014.

Thierry Jéron was PC member of ICTSS 2014, PECCS 2014, SAC-SVT 2014, TAP 2014, WODES 2014, and the forthcoming TAP 2015.

Hervé Marchand was PC member of the WODES conference and IFAC World Congress in 2014 and PC member of the forthcoming DCDS 2015 conference.



Éric Badouel is reviewer for AMS (MathSciNet) and reviewed papers for Science of Computer Programming, Fundamenta Informaticae, Theoretical Computer Science, and Transaction on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency.

Nathalie Bertrand has written reviews for Logical Methods in Computer Science, Information Processing Letters, Information and Computation.

Éric Fabre is a regular reviewer for the Ministry of Education and Research, through the Credit Impot Recherche program (support to industrial research through tax reductions). He reviewed for several journals and conferences: Automatica, Journal of discrete event dynamical systems, CDC, ACC,...

Hervé Marchand was this year reviewer for Automatica and Journal of discrete event dynamical systems.

Thierry Jéron was reviewer for Annals of telecommunications, Evolving Systems, Science of Computer Programming and Software Testing, Verification and Reliability.