Creation of the Project-Team: 2008 January 01

Section: Members

Research Scientists

Benoît Sagot [Team leader, Inria, Researcher]

Pierre Boullier [Inria, Senior Researcher, Emeritus]

Laurent Romary [Inria, Senior Researcher, HdR]

Éric Villemonte de La Clergerie [Inria, Researcher]

Faculty Members

Lucie Barque [Univ. Paris XIII, Associate Professor]

Mathieu Constant [Univ. Paris Est, Associate Professor “en délégation”, from Sep 2015]

Benoit Crabbé [Univ. Paris VII, Associate Professor]

Laurence Danlos [Univ. Paris VII, Professor, HdR]

Marie Candito [Univ. Paris VII, Associate Professor]

Djamé Seddah [Univ. Paris IV, Associate Professor]


Margot Colinet [Inria, granted by ANR Polymnie project until May 2015 and in Jul 2015, and by Labex EFL in June 2015]

Vanessa Combet Meunier [Inria, granted by Labex EFL and by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations]

Noemie Faivre [Inria, until Jun 2015, granted by ANR ASFALDA project]

Pierre Magistry [Inria, granted by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations until March 2014, then by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations project from Oct 2015 to Nov 2015, then from LabEx EFL since Dec 2015]

Virginie Mouilleron [Inria, until Mar 2015, granted by Labex EFL and ANR ASFALDA project]

Charles Riondet [Inria, granted by H2020 PARTHENOS, from Nov 2015]

Stéphane Riou [CNRS, granted (and hosted most of the time) by Institut de Linguistique Française, from May 2015]

Jacques Steinlin [Inria, granted by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, until May 2015]

PhD Students

Quentin Pradet [Inria, granted by LabEx EFL, until Fev 2015]

Marion Baranes [viavoo and Univ. Paris VII, until Oct 2015]

Sarah Beniamine [(member of Alpage until August 2015) Univ. Paris VII, granted by Labex EFL]

Timothée Bernard [ENS Lyon]

Chloé Braud [Univ. Paris VII, until Dec 2015]

Maximin Coavoux [Univ. Paris VII]

Marianne Djemaa [Univ. Paris VII, granted by ANR ASFALDA- project]

Valérie Hanoka [Univ. Paris VII, until July 2015]

Corentin Ribeyre [Min. Ens. Sup. Recherche and Univ. Paris VII, then Inria (Relais Thèse)]

Raphaël Salmon [Yseop and Univ. Paris VII, granted by CIFRE]

Post-Doctoral Fellows

Kata Gábor [Inria, until Feb 2015, granted by Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations]

Alexandra Simonenko [Univ. Paris VII, granted by LabEx EFL]

Administrative Assistant

Christelle Guiziou [Inria]


Emmanuel Lassalle [Univ. Paris VII, until March 2015]

Rachel Bawden [Inria, M2 intern, from Feb 2015 until Jul 2015]

Laurine Lamy [Inria, intern, from Jul 2015 until Sep 2015]

Nicholas Parslow [Inria, M2 intern, from Feb 2015 until Jul 2015]