Section: Application Domains

Processing answers to open-ended questions in surveys: vera

Participants : Benoît Sagot, Valérie Hanoka.

Verbatim Analysis is a startup co-created by Benoît Sagot from Alpage and Dimitri Tcherniak from Towers Watson, a world-wide leader in the domain of employee research (opinion mining among the employees of a company or organization). The aim of its first product, vera, is to provide an all-in-one environment for editing (i.e., normalizing the spelling and typography), understanding and classifying answers to open-ended questions, and relating them with closed-ended questions, so as to extract as much valuable information as possible from both types of questions. The editing part relies in part on Sx Pipe and Alexina morphological lexicons. Several other parts of vera have been co-developed by Verbatim Analysis and Inria.