Section: New Results

Towards a French FrameNet

Participants : Marie Candito, Marianne Djemaa, Benoît Sagot.

The ASFALDA project (https://sites.google.com/site/anrasfalda/ ) is an ANR project coordinated by Marie Candito. 5 partners collaborate on the project, on top of Alpage : the Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale de Marseille(LIF), the Laboratoire de Linguistique Formelle (LLF), the MELODI team (IRIT - Toulouse) and the CEA-List. The project started in October 2012, and will end in march 2016. Its objective is to build semantic resources (generalizations over predicates and over the semantic arguments of predicates) and a corresponding semantic analyzer for French. We chose to build on the work resulting from the FrameNet project [45] , (https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/ ) which provides a structured set of prototypical situations, called frames, along with a semantic characterization of the participants of these situations (called frame elements). The resulting resources will consist of :

  1. a French lexicon in which lexical units are associated to FrameNet frames,

  2. a semantic annotation layer added on top of existing syntactic French treebanks

  3. and a frame-based semantic analyzer, focused on joint models for syntactic and semantic analysis.

In 2015, we continued the corpus annotation phase, which started in 2014. We currently have about 90 frames and 790 lexical units with at least one annotated occurrence, totalizing about 11,000 annotated occurrences. We also set up :

  • procedures for checking the coherence of the annotations

  • a procedure for extracting the "annotated lexicon", namely extract quantitative information about the annotated lexical units, and syntax/semantics interface information (in terms of the probabilistic distributions of the syntactic paths used to express a given semantic role)

  • the graphical vizualization of the annotated corpus

We also just started a collaboration with the LIF laboratory for using deep syntactic representations for predicting semantic frames and roles.