Section: New Software and Platforms
Scientific Description
HPDDM is an efficient implementation of various domain decomposition methods (DDM) such as one- and two-level Restricted Additive Schwarz methods, the Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) method, and the Balancing Domain Decomposition (BDD) method. This code has been proven to be efficient for solving various elliptic problems such as scalar diffusion equations, the system of linear elasticity, but also frequency domain problems like the Helmholtz equation. A comparison with modern multigrid methods can be found in the thesis of Pierre Jolivet.
Functional Description
HPDDM is an efficient implementation of various domain decomposition methods (DDM) such as one- and two-level Restricted Additive Schwarz methods, the Finite Element Tearing and Interconnecting (FETI) method, and the Balancing Domain Decomposition (BDD) method.