Section: New Results
Coordination of heterogeneous Models of Computation as Domain-Specific Languages
Participants : Matias Vara Larsen, Julien Deantoni, Frédéric Mallet.
In the context of the collaborative ANR GEMOC project ( , we investigated the way the multiview approach generally promoted in Aoste could deal with analysis and simulation of systems specified using multiple heterogeneous languages. Coordinated use of heterogeneous domain specific languages (DSL) led to so-called globalization of modeling language. We wrote a chapter related to these concerns [50] , as part of a book dedicated to the challenges of the field, gathering industrial and academic contributors.
This goal was achieved in two steps. First step consisted in specifying a language able to support appropriate information (i.e., the one required for the coordination) in a Language Behavioral Interface (LBI). Second step consisted in using the LBI to define coordination patterns from which the coordination of models can be automatically inferred. Design is supported by an heterogeneous simulation engine that has been developed and integrated in the Gemoc studio environment. Gemoc Studio, enhanced with our new research ideas, won the 9th execution tool contest at ...
We also developed MoCCML (Model of Concurrency and Communication Modeling Language), an imperative extension of the CCSL language in the form of constraint automata [28] . MoCCML defines the concurrent and communication part of the semantics of a language, and is used by the LBI to exhibit internal causalities and synchronizations. Finally, we defined a protocol combining the concurrency aspects and the execution functions (i.e., the rewriting rules) so as to be able to develop, in a modular way, the whole behavioral semantics of a language [30] , [31] .
Our work this on coordination of heterogeneous languages produced two major results. The first one is the development of BCOoL (Behavioral Coordination Operator Language [33] ). BCOoL is a language dedicated to the specification of coordination patterns between heterogeneous languages. It comes with a tool chain allowing the generation of the coordination given a BCOoL operator and specific models. Our second result is the development of an heterogeneous execution engine, integrated to Gemoc studio, to run conjointly different models [44] . Both works were mainly realized by Matias Vara Larsen, as part of his upcoming PhD.