Section: New Results
SoC multiview (meta)modeling for performance, power, and thermal aspects
Participants : Amani Khecharem, Robert de Simone, Emilien Kofman, Julien Deantoni.
In the framework of the ANR HOPE project we progressed the definition of multiview metamodels for the design of Systems-on-Chip) (SoC systems integrating performance, power and thermal aspects. The main concern was to stress regularity and commonality between those views, each developed on "domains" defined as partitions of the original block diagram (clock domains, voltage domains, floorplans,...), and with finite state machine controlers setting the levels of these domains; links between distinct views are originally provided by laws of physics, but then usually identified on discrete allowable values by engineers. The application view, meant to provide typical use-cases to help dimension the SoC platform by abstract simulation, also fits in this framework. This methodological work was presented in the local forum SAME (Sophia-Antipolis MicroElectronices) [53] . It is supposed to work in two ways, both by allowing the appplication of analytic methods to compute an optimized mapping of application tasks onto platform resources, and then to translate these results towards sophisticated simulation environments (such as MCO Platform Architect by Synopsys or ACEplorer by Docea Power/Intel, both partners in the HOPE consortium) which consider non-functional aspects of power and thermal modeling in their simulation environments. The various approaches considered in Aoste to define mapping constraints and solve them algorithmically are presented elsewhere. All this should sonn be rported in Ameni Khacharem PhD document.