Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Colles: S. Chevillard is giving “Colles” at Centre International de Valbonne (CIV) (2 hours per week).


  • PhD in progress: D. Ponomarev, Inverse problems for planar conductivity and Schrödinger PDEs, since Nov. 2012 (advisors: J. Leblond, L. Baratchart).

  • PhD in progress: M. Caenepeel, The development of models for the design of RF/microwave filters, since Feb. 2013 (advisors: Y. Rolain, M. Olivi, F. Seyfert).

  • PhD in progress: C. Papageorgakis, Conductivity model estimation, since Oct. 2014 (advisors: J. Leblond, M. Clerc, B. Lanfer).

  • PhD in progress: K. Mavreas, Inverse source problems in planetary sciences: dipole localization in Moon rocks from sparse magnetic data, since Oct. 2015 (advisors: S. Chevillard, J. Leblond).


  • L. Baratchart was a reviewer for the “Mémoire d'habilitation à diriger des Recherches” of Rachid Zarouf, Univ. Aix-Marseille, December 2015.

  • J. Leblond was a member of the “jury d'admission du concours CR” of Inria (Jun.).