Section: New Software and Platforms


A new (Matlab) version of the software that automatically performs the estimation of the quantity of sources is being built (see Section 3.4.2 ). It uses an alignment criterion in addition to other clustering tests for the selection. Also, the team benefit from an “Action de Développement Technologique” (ADT Inria) BOLIS, 2014-2016, and of the young engineer N. Schnitzler at half-part of the time. The aim is to get from FindSources3D a modular, ergonomic, accessible and interactive platform, providing a convenient graphical interface and a tool that can be easily distributed and used, for medical imaging (EEG, MEG, EIT) or other applications (like inverse source problems in planetary sciences, see Section 7.1.3 ). Modularity is now granted, though still in progress (using the tools dtk, Qt, still with compiled Matlab libraries; translation in C++ will be continued). The related version of the software now offers a detailed and nice visualization of the data and tuning parameters, of the processing steps and of the computed results (using VTK).