Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams


Title: Reasoning about Effects in Aspect Languages

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Universidad de Chile (CHILI)

  • Duration: 2010 - 2015

  • See also: http://real.gforge.inria.fr

  • During the period 2013-2015, REAL has studied means to reason about aspect interference, providing foundations for secure aspects, and the link of secure aspects with security aspects. This last year has been devoted to developing a general mechanism for modular composition of session types, applying our ideas on modular instrumentation of interpreters to Narcissus and information flow analyses, and exploring ideas for future collaboration, in particular in the area of gradual certification.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

Apart from the Inria associate team rapids with the Pleiad group (Prof. Éric Tanter) at U. Chile, the Ascola team has formalized cooperations, notably in the context of co-financed and co-supervised PhD theses with the PROG group (Prof. Wofgang de Meuter) at VU Brussel, Belgium, and the Software Technology group (Prof. Mira Mezini) at TU Darmstadt, Germany.

Furthermore, the Ascola team has long-term cooperations that resulted in common results in 2015, typically joint publications or common software artifacts, with partners from the AIST research institute (Dr. Takahiro Hirofuchi) and U. of Bogota, Colombia (Prof. Rubby Casallas).