Section: Dissemination
The activities related to microalgae have generated many articles in national newspapers (Le Monde, Nice Matin, La Principauté, ...), and broadcasts on national TV (France 3, France 2, Arte). Several articles were written by the team members to explain the hurdles and potential of microalgae [77] .
Biocore received an award from the Alpes-Maritimes department for its activities in sustainable development. Moreover, Biocore took part to the COP21 Inria stand, where the challenges for the use of mathematics dedicated to microalgae where presented. Biocore was involved in the "Spring of Researchers" and in the "Fête de la Science", the latter through Stefano Casagranda in the framework of his regional grant.
We have also made a short movie to explain the advantages of our supervision software ODIN and to present the pilot photovoltaic greenhouses which will be developed within the ANR Purple Sun project.
S. Touzeau, L. Mailleret, and F. Grognard gave talks on the importance of modelling during the Modelling day of UMT Fiorimed.
F. Mairet gave a talk during the Mediterranean Days (Feb 20, 2015; ), to present Biocore's activities to various students from Greece, Italy, Spain, Algeria, Morocco...
P. Bernhard has given conferences in highschool Guillaume Appolinaire, in Nice, on February 5 (“Des insectes et des mathématiques”, optimal foraging theory) and March 17 (“Un paradoxe en trafic automobile”, Wardrop equilibrium and Evolutionary Stable Strategies in evolutionary biology), and in highschool Marcel Pagnol, in Marseille, on April 3rd (“Game theory”, for a class of Social and Economic Sciences).