Section: New Software and Platforms

CEPS: a Cardiac ElectroPhysiology Simulator

The Carmen team develops a software code to perform high performance numerical simulations in cardiac electrophysiology using unstructured three-dimensional grids. The software, called CEPS (Cardiac Electrophysiology Simulation) is developped as a common tool for researchers in the Carmen team and for our partners and colleagues in scientific computing and biomedical engineering. The goal of CEPS is to easily allow the development of new numerical methods and new physical models.

As compared to other existing softwares, CEPS aims at providing a more general framework of integration for new methods or models and a better efficiency in parallel. CEPS is designed to run on massively parallel architectures, and to make use of state-of-the-art and well known computing libraries to achieve realistic and complex heart simulations. CEPS also includes software engineering and and validation tools. We use the platform GForge (ceps ) based on Git. This allows to keep a history of developments for developers and users.

Some of our collaborators actively participate to the testing and discussion for the development of CEPS, namely:

  • C. Pierre, LMA University of Pau et des Pays de l'Adour;

  • R. Turpault, IMB University of Bordeaux;

Several people work and make and an usefull code for researchers and users.

  • Development of an external procedure to compile depandancies for CEPS. This allows a very simple way to install CEPS for partners or students.

  • Improve continious integration test cases in order to have a best coverage of the code as possible.

  • Overwrite C++ class for ionic models and adding new models in collaboration with A. Gérard.

  • Integration of the partionneur PTSchotch in order to realise a partitionning on the nodes.

  • Turorials for beginers on the code (linear algebra, installation, compilation...).

  • New implementation of the bilayer model developped by L. Simon during his PhD thesis. The most important part will provide by M. Fuentes works. Difficulties are currently the specification of two layers in CEPS and how connect them.

  • The strategy remains at this time is to have two meshes in entry (on global mesh for the auricles and an other under-mesh corresponding to the twolayers domain). This means, that we have to create a connectivity table between the global mesh and the under-mesh.

  • Development of an interface for users in order to specify data in a text file for the code such physical values for ionic models or numerical values for numerical methods (especially in time) used.