Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Unless explicitly stated, the teachings below are given at Université de Lorraine.

  • Licence:

    • Guillaume Bonfante

      • Java, L3, Mines Nancy

    • Emmanuel Hainry

      • Operating Systems, 30h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois

      • Algorithmics, 40h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois

      • Dynamic Web, 60h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois

      • Databases, 30h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois

      • Object Oriented Languages, 12h, L2, IUT Nancy Brabois

      • Complexity, 30h, L2, IUT Nancy Brabois

    • Mathieu Hoyrup

      • Programmation C, 15h, L1 PACES

      • Programmation JAVA, 56h, L1, IUT Charlemagne

    • Emmanuel Jeandel

      • Algorithmics and Programming 1, 60h, L1 Maths-Info

      • Algorithmics and Programming 4, 30h, L3 Informatique

      • Modelling Using Graph Theory, 30h, L3 Informatique

      • Networking, 15h, L3 Informatique

      • Data Compression, 45h, L2 Informatique

    • Romain Péchoux

      • Programmation orientée objet, 61,5h, L3 MIASHS

      • Programmation orientée objet, 53,5h, L2 MIASHS

      • Outils logiques pour l'informatique, 35h, L1 MIASHS

      • Bases de données, 40h, L3 Sciences de la Gestion

      • Algorithmic complexity, 30h, L3 MIAGE, IGA Casablanca, Morocco.

    • Simon Perdrix

      • Structure de données, 72h, L1, IUT Charlemagne

      • Licence : Modelling Using Graph Theory, 15h, L3 Informatique

  • Master:

    • Guillaume Bonfante

      • Modelling and UML, M1, Mines Nancy

      • Video Games, M1, Mines Nancy

      • Semantics, M1, Mines Nancy

      • Safety of Software, M2, Mines Nancy

    • Isabelle Gnaedig

      • Design of Safe Software, Coordination of the module, M2, Telecom-Nancy

      • Rule-based Programming, 20h, M2, Telecom-Nancy

    • Emmanuel Hainry

      • Implicit Complexity, 15h, M2 Informatique

    • Emmanuel Jeandel

      • Algorithmics and Complexity, 30h, M1 Informatique

      • Combinatorial Optimization, 36h, M1 Informatique

    • Romain Péchoux

      • Mathematics for computer science, 30h, M1 SCA

      • Advanced Java, 52,5h, M1 MIAGE

      • Implicit Complexity, 15h, M2 Informatique


  • PhD in progress: Hubert Godfroy, Semantics of Self-modifying Programs, Jean-Yves Marion (director).

  • PhD in progress: David Cattanéo, Combinatorial Modelization in Quantum Computation and Generalized Cover Problems, Pablo Arrighi (director), Simon Perdrix (co-advisor).

  • PhD: Thanh Dinh Ta, 11 May 2015, Malware Algebraic Modeling and Detection, started Sept. 2010, Jean-Yves Marion (director) and Guillaume Bonfante (co-advisor).

  • PhD: Aurélien Thierry, 11 March 2015, Morphological Analysis of Malware, Jean-Yves Marion (director).

  • PhD in progress: Paul Bakouche, Mesure de complexité en topologie de petites dimensions, Florian Deloup (co-advisor) and Guillaume Bonfante (director).


Isabelle Gnaedig was:

  • member of the Inria hiring committee for young researchers,

  • member of the Telecom-Nancy engineering school admission committee.

Emmanuel Jeandel was:

  • Reviewer and Examiner of Simon Martiel's PhD Defense on "Approches informatique et mathématique des dynamiques causales de graphes", defended in Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, July 6th 2015

  • Reviewer of Ilkka Törmä's PhD on "Structural and Computational Existence Results for Multidimensional Subshifts", defended in Turku (Finland), July 31st 2015

  • Reviewer of Rodrigo Torres' PhD on "Some Dynamical Properties of Turing Machines Dynamical Models", to be defended in January 2016, Santiago de Chile (Chile)