Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Unless explicitly stated, the teachings below are given at Université de Lorraine.
Guillaume Bonfante
Emmanuel Hainry
Operating Systems, 30h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Algorithmics, 40h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Dynamic Web, 60h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Databases, 30h, L1, IUT Nancy Brabois
Object Oriented Languages, 12h, L2, IUT Nancy Brabois
Complexity, 30h, L2, IUT Nancy Brabois
Mathieu Hoyrup
Programmation C, 15h, L1 PACES
Programmation JAVA, 56h, L1, IUT Charlemagne
Emmanuel Jeandel
Algorithmics and Programming 1, 60h, L1 Maths-Info
Algorithmics and Programming 4, 30h, L3 Informatique
Modelling Using Graph Theory, 30h, L3 Informatique
Networking, 15h, L3 Informatique
Data Compression, 45h, L2 Informatique
Romain Péchoux
Programmation orientée objet, 61,5h, L3 MIASHS
Programmation orientée objet, 53,5h, L2 MIASHS
Outils logiques pour l'informatique, 35h, L1 MIASHS
Bases de données, 40h, L3 Sciences de la Gestion
Algorithmic complexity, 30h, L3 MIAGE, IGA Casablanca, Morocco.
Simon Perdrix
Structure de données, 72h, L1, IUT Charlemagne
Licence : Modelling Using Graph Theory, 15h, L3 Informatique
Guillaume Bonfante
Modelling and UML, M1, Mines Nancy
Video Games, M1, Mines Nancy
Semantics, M1, Mines Nancy
Safety of Software, M2, Mines Nancy
Isabelle Gnaedig
Design of Safe Software, Coordination of the module, M2, Telecom-Nancy
Rule-based Programming, 20h, M2, Telecom-Nancy
Emmanuel Hainry
Emmanuel Jeandel
Algorithmics and Complexity, 30h, M1 Informatique
Combinatorial Optimization, 36h, M1 Informatique
Romain Péchoux
Mathematics for computer science, 30h, M1 SCA
Advanced Java, 52,5h, M1 MIAGE
Implicit Complexity, 15h, M2 Informatique
PhD in progress: Hubert Godfroy, Semantics of Self-modifying Programs, Jean-Yves Marion (director).
PhD in progress: David Cattanéo, Combinatorial Modelization in Quantum Computation and Generalized Cover Problems, Pablo Arrighi (director), Simon Perdrix (co-advisor).
PhD: Thanh Dinh Ta, 11 May 2015, Malware Algebraic Modeling and Detection, started Sept. 2010, Jean-Yves Marion (director) and Guillaume Bonfante (co-advisor).
PhD: Aurélien Thierry, 11 March 2015, Morphological Analysis of Malware, Jean-Yves Marion (director).
PhD in progress: Paul Bakouche, Mesure de complexité en topologie de petites dimensions, Florian Deloup (co-advisor) and Guillaume Bonfante (director).
Isabelle Gnaedig was:
member of the Inria hiring committee for young researchers,
member of the Telecom-Nancy engineering school admission committee.
Emmanuel Jeandel was:
Reviewer and Examiner of Simon Martiel's PhD Defense on "Approches informatique et
mathématique des dynamiques causales de graphes", defended in
Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, July 6th 2015
Reviewer of Ilkka Törmä's PhD on "Structural and Computational
Existence Results for Multidimensional Subshifts", defended in
Turku (Finland), July 31st 2015
Reviewer of Rodrigo Torres' PhD on "Some Dynamical Properties of
Turing Machines Dynamical Models", to be defended in January 2016,
Santiago de Chile (Chile)