Section: New Results
Verification of Collaborative Systems
We investigate security problems occurring in decentralized systems. We develop general techniques to enforce read and update policies for controlling access to XML documents based on recursive DTDs (Document Type Definition). Moreover, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for undoing safely replicated objects in order to enforce access control policies in an optimistic way. We investigate privacy issues for social networks in order to give more control to users over their personal data.
Automatic Analysis of Web Services Security
Participants : Walid Belkhir, Michaël Rusinowitch, Mathieu Turuani, Laurent Vigneron.
Automatic composition of web services is a challenging task. Many works have considered simplified automata models that abstract away from the structure of messages exchanged by the services. For the domain of secured services (using e.g., digital signing or timestamping) we have proposed an original approach to automated orchestration of services under security constraints. Given a community of services and a goal service, we reduce the problem of generating a mediator between a client and a service community to a security problem where an intruder should intercept and redirect messages from the service community and a client service till reaching a satisfying state.
In [12] we develop an alternative approach based on parametrized automata, a natural extension of finite-state automata over infinite alphabet. In this model the transitions are labeled with constants or variables that can be refreshed in some specified states. We show the applicability of our model to Web services handling data from an infinite domain. We reduce the Web service composition problem to the construction of a simulation of a target service by the asynchronous product of existing services, and prove that this construction is computable. We also show expressive equivalence and succinctness of parametrized automata with respect to Finite Memory Automata in [47] We now work on synthesizing composed services that satisfy required security policies.
Querying Security Views over XML Data
Participant : Abdessamad Imine.
To enforce access control over XML data, virtual security views are commonly used in many many applications and commercial database systems. Querying these views raises some serious problems. More precisely, user XPath queries posed on recursive views cannot be rewritten to be evaluated on the underlying XML data. Existing rewriting solutions are based on the non-standard language “Regular XPath” enabling recursion operator. However, query rewriting under Regular XPath can be of exponential size. In [17] , we show that query rewriting is always possible for arbitrary security views (recursive or not) by using only the expressive power of the standard XPath. We propose a more expressive language to specify XML access control policies as well as an efficient algorithm to enforce such policies. Finally, we present our system, called SVMAX, that implements our solutions and we show that it scales well through an extensive experimental study based on real-life DTD.
Secure Computation in Social Networks
Participants : Younes Abid, Bao Thien Hoang, Abdessamad Imine, Huu Hiep Nguyen, Michaël Rusinowitch.
Online social networks are increasingly exploited as real platforms for creating social links and sharing data. They are used from organizing public opinion polls about any societal theme to publish social graph data for achieving in-depth studies. To securely perform these large-scale computations, we need the design of reliable protocols to ensure the data privacy. In [44] , [9] , we address the polling problem in social networks where users want to preserve the confidentiality of their votes, obtain the correct final result, and hide, if any, their misbehaviors. We present EPol, a simple decentralized polling protocol that is deployed on a family of social graphs that satisfy a property based on topological ordering. Using these graphs, we show that their structures enable low communication cost, ensure vote privacy and limit the impact of dishonest users on the accuracy of the polling output.
The problem of private publication of social graphs has attracted a lot of attention recently.
In [50] , we tackle the problem about the upper bounds of privacy budgets related to
differentially private release of graphs. We provide such a bound and we prove that, with a privacy budget of
Anonymous use of Social network do not prevent users from privacy risks resulting from
infering and cross-checking information published by themselves or their relationhips. In [57] ,
we have conducted a survey in order to measure sensitiveness of personal data
published on social media and to analyze the users behaviors. We have shown that
Safe Protocols for Collaborative Applications
Participant : Abdessamad Imine.
The Operational Transformation (OT) approach, used in many collaborative editors, allows a group of users to concurrently update replicas of a shared object and exchange their updates in any order. The basic idea is to transform any received update operation before its execution on a replica of the object. Designing transformation functions for achieving convergence of object replicas is a critical and challenging issue. In this work, we investigate the existence of transformation functions [19] . From the theoretical point of view, two properties, named TP1 and TP2, are necessary and sufficient to ensure convergence. Using controller synthesis technique, we show that there are some transformation functions, which satisfy TP1 for the basic signatures of insert and delete operations. But, there is no transformation function, which satisfies both TP1 and TP2. Consequently, a transformation function which satisfies both TP1 and TP2 must necessarily have additional parameters in the signatures of some update operations. Accordingly, we provide a new transformation function and show formally that it ensures convergence.