Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

European Initiatives

FP7 & H2020 Projects

  • ProSecure (2011-2016) (http://www.loria.fr/~cortier/ProSecure.html )— ERC Starting Grant Project on Provably secure systems: foundations, design, and modularity. This long-term project aims at developing provably secure systems such as security protocols. The goal is to propose foundations for a careful analysis and design of large classes of up-to-date protocols. To achieve this goal, we foresee three main tasks. First, we plan to develop general verification techniques for new classes of protocols that are of primary interest in nowadays life like e-voting protocols, routing protocols or security APIs. Second, we will consider the cryptographic part of the primitives that are used in such protocols (encryption, signatures, ...), obtaining higher security guarantees. Third, we aim at proposing modular results both for the analysis and design of protocols. Véronique Cortier is the leader of the project.

  • SPOOC (2015–2020)(http://www.loria.fr/~skremer/spooc/index.html )— ERC Consolidator Grant on Automated Security Proofs of Cryptographic Protocols: Privacy, Untrusted Platforms and Applications to E-voting Protocols.

    The goals of the Spooc project are to develop solid foundations and practical tools to analyze and formally prove security properties that ensure the privacy of users as well as techniques for executing protocols on untrusted platforms. We will

    • develop foundations and practical tools for specifying and formally verifying new security properties, in particular privacy properties;

    • develop techniques for the design and automated analysis of protocols that have to be executed on untrusted platforms;

    • apply these methods in particular to novel e-voting protocols, which aim at guaranteeing strong security guarantees without need to trust the voter client software.

    Steve Kremer is the leader of the project.