Section: Dissemination


Guillaume Piolle has participated to two scientific popularization activities, both oriented towards secondary education pupils. In both cases, his participation consisted in presentations about the objectives, methods and results of research activities in computer security and privacy (including, but not limited to our activities in CIDRE):

  • Les cordées de la réussite : national program aimed at facilitating access to higher education for pupils from various social backgrounds ;

  • Bilateral scientific mediation action between CentraleSupélec and the Joliot-Curie high school in Rennes.

Other kinds of popularization activities have taken place in the form of communications aimed at non-academic computing professionals, on the topic of personal data protection regulations and techniques [24] , [20] .

Sébastien Gambs was also involved in several events dedicated to the public at large such as a presentation at le Pouce (https://iww.inria.fr/ouest-inria/le-pouce-bilan-et-perspectives/ ).