
Major publications by the team in recent years
  • 1E. Anceaume, R. Ludinard, B. Sericola.

    Performance evaluation of large-scale dynamic systems, in: ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review, April 2012, vol. 39, no 4, pp. 108-117. [ DOI : 10.1145/2185395.2185447 ]

  • 2M. A. Ayachi, C. Bidan, N. Prigent.

    A Trust-Based IDS for the AODV Protocol, in: Proc. of the 12th international conference on Information and communications security (ICICS 2010), Barcelona, Spain, December 2010.
  • 3M. Ben Ghorbel-Talbi, F. Cuppens, N. Cuppens-Boulahia, D. Le Métayer, G. Piolle.

    Delegation of Obligations and Responsibility, in: Future Challenges in Security and Privacy for Academia and Industry - 26th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference (SEC2011), J. Camenisch, S. Fischer-Hübner, Y. Murayama, A. Portmann, C. Rieder (editors), IFIP AICT, Springer, 2011, vol. 354, pp. 197–209.
  • 4J. C. Demay, F. Majorczyk, E. Totel, F. Tronel.

    Detecting illegal system calls using a data-oriented detection model, in: Proc. of the 26th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference - Future Challenges in Security and Privacy for Academia and Industry (SEC2011), Lucerne, Switzerland, Jun 2011.
  • 5S. Gambs, B. Kégl, E. Aïmeur.

    Privacy-preserving boosting, in: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 2007, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 131-170.
  • 6G. Hiet, V. Viet Triem Tong, L. , B. Morin.

    Policy-based intrusion detection in web applications by monitoring Java information flows, in: International Journal of Information and Computer Security, 2009, vol. 3, no 3/4, pp. 265–279.
  • 7L. , H. Debar.

    New Directions in Intrusion Detection and Alert Correlation, in: The Information - Interaction - Intelligence (I3) Journal, 2010, vol. 10, no 1.
  • 8G. Piolle, Y. Demazeau.

    Representing privacy regulations with deontico-temporal operators, in: Web Intelligence and Agent Systems, Jul 2011, vol. 9, no 3, pp. 209-226.
  • 9E. Totel, F. Majorczyk, L. .

    COTS Diversity based Intrusion Detection and Application to Web Servers, in: Proc. of the International Symposium on Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection (RAID'2005), Seattle, USA, September 2005.
  • 10D. Zou, N. Prigent, J. Bloom.

    Compressed Video Stream Watermarking for Peer-to-Peer-Based Content Distribution Network, in: Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (IEEE ICME), New York City, USA, June 2009.
Publications of the year

Doctoral Dissertations and Habilitation Theses

Articles in International Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 15E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, E. Schulte-Geers, B. Sericola.

    Optimization Results for a Generalized Coupon Collector Problem, in: Journal of Applied Probability, June 2015, 9 p.

  • 16E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, B. Sericola.

    New results on a generalized coupon collector problem using Markov chains, in: Journal of Applied Probability, 2015, 17 p. [ DOI : 10.1239/jap/1437658606 ]

  • 17G. Arfaoui, J.-F. Lalande, J. Traoré, N. Desmoulins, P. Berthomé, S. Gharout.

    A Practical Set-Membership Proof for Privacy-Preserving NFC Mobile Ticketing, in: Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, June 2015, vol. 2015, no 2, pp. 25-45. [ DOI : 10.1515/popets-2015-0019 ]

  • 18L. Caviglione, M. Gaggero, J.-F. Lalande, W. Mazurczyk, M. Urbanski.

    Seeing the Unseen: Revealing Mobile Malware Hidden Communications via Energy Consumption and Artificial Intelligence, in: IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2016. [ DOI : 10.1109/TIFS.2015.2510825 ]

  • 19E. Godefroy, E. Totel, M. Hurfin, F. Majorczyk.

    Automatic Generation of Correlation Rules to Detect Complex Attack Scenarios, in: Journal of Information Assurance and Security, 2015, vol. 10, no 3, 11 p.


Articles in National Peer-Reviewed Journals

  • 20G. Piolle.

    Protection des données personnelles dans le système d'information, in: Techniques de l'Ingenieur, October 2015, vol. TIB458DUO, no h5455, 21 p.


Invited Conferences

  • 21E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, N. Rivetti.

    Estimating the Frequency of Data Items in Massive Distributed Streams, in: IEEE 4th Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and Applications (NCCA), Munich, Germany, June 2015, 9 p.

  • 22S. Gambs, G. Piolle.

    Les techniques d'effacement des données, in: Le droit à l'oubli numérique, enjeux et perspectives, Rennes, France, Institut de l'Ouest : Droit et Europe, March 2015.

  • 23J.-F. Lalande.

    Sécurité Android: exemples de malware, in: Colloque International sur la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, Kénitra, Morocco, March 2015.

  • 24G. Piolle.

    La protection des données personnelles vue par un informaticien, in: Journées thématiques: Respect de la vie privée et services mobiles sans contact, Meudon, France, May 2015.


International Conferences with Proceedings

  • 26M. Alaggan, S. Gambs, S. Matwin, M. Tuhin.

    Sanitization of Call Detail Records via Differentially-Private Bloom Filters, in: Data and Applications Security and Privacy XXIX (DBSec'15), Fairfax, United States, July 2015. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-20810-7_15 ]

  • 27E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel.

    Estimer la corrélation à la volée entre flux massifs est possible avec très peu de mémoire, in: ALGOTEL 2015 — 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Beaune, France, June 2015.

  • 28E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, P. Lajoie-Mazenc, G. Texier.

    Reputation for Inter-Domain QoS Routing, in: International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Boston, United States, IEEE, September 2015, 5 p.

  • 29E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, N. Rivetti, B. Sericola.

    Identifying Global Icebergs in Distributed Streams, in: 34th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems (SRDS), Montreal, Canada, September 2015, 10 p.

  • 30E. Anceaume, F. Castella, A. Mostefaoui, B. Sericola.

    A Message-Passing and Adaptive Implementation of the Randomized Test-and-Set Object, in: International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Boston, United States, September 2015, 9 p.

  • 31R. Andriatsimandefitra Ratsisahanana, V. Viet Triem Tong.

    Detection and Identification of Android Malware Based on Information Flow Monitoring, in: The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Cloud Computing (CSCloud 2015), New York, United States, November 2015.

  • 32G. Arfaoui, J.-F. Lalande, S. Gharout, J. Traoré.

    Practical and Privacy-Preserving TEE Migration, in: 9th IFIP WG 11.2 International Conference on Information Security Theory and Practice, Heraklion, Greece, R. Akram, S. Jajodia (editors), LNCS, Springer, August 2015, vol. 9311, pp. 153-168. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-24018-3_10 ]

  • 33L. Caviglione, J.-F. Lalande, W. Mazurczyk, S. Wendzel.

    Analysis of Human Awareness of Security and Privacy Threats in Smart Environments, in: HAS - 3rd International Conference on Human Aspects of Information Security, Privacy and Trust, Los Angeles, United States, T. Tryfonas, I. G. Askoxylakis (editors), LNCS, August 2015, vol. 9190. [ DOI : 10.1007/978-3-319-20376-8 ]

  • 34P. Cotret, G. Hiet, G. Gogniat, V. Lapotre.

    HardBlare: an efficient hardware-assisted DIFC for non-modified embedded processors, in: CHES 2015 - Workshop on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, Saint-Malo, France, September 2015.

  • 35S. Gambs, C. Eduardo Rosar Kos Lassance, C. Onete.

    The Not-so-distant Future: Distance-Bounding Protocols on Smartphones, in: 14th Smart Card Research and Advanced Application Conference, Bochum, Germany, November 2015.

  • 36L. Georget, G. Piolle, F. Tronel, V. Viet Triem Tong, M. Jaume.

    Towards a Formal Semantics for System Calls in terms of Information Flow, in: Tenth International Conference on Systems (ICONS 2015), Barcelone, Spain, IARIA, April 2015, pp. 1-4, ISBN: 978-1-61208-399-5ISSN: 2308-4243.

  • 37L. Georget, F. Tronel, V. Viet Triem Tong.

    Kayrebt: An Activity Diagram Extraction and Visualization Toolset Designed for the Linux Codebase, in: 3rd IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization - VISSOFT 2015, Bremen, Germany, IEEE, September 2015.

  • 38E. Godefroy, E. Totel, M. Hurfin, F. Majorczyk.

    Assessment of an Automatic Correlation Rules Generator, in: Eleventh International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS 2015), Kolkata, India, December 2015.

  • 39G. Hiet, H. Debar, S. Ménouar, V. Houdebine.

    Etude comparative des formats d’alertes, in: C&ESAR (Computer & Electronics Security Applications Rendez-vous) 2015, Rennes, France, November 2015, pp. 125-148.

  • 40P. Lajoie-Mazenc, E. Anceaume, G. Guette, T. Sirvent, V. Viet Triem Tong.

    Mécanisme de réputation distribué préservant la vie privée avec témoignages négatifs, in: ALGOTEL 2015 - 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Beaune, France, June 2015.

  • 41P. Lajoie-Mazenc, E. Anceaume, G. Guette, T. Sirvent, V. Viêt Triem Tong.

    Privacy-Preserving Reputation Mechanism: A Usable Solution Handling Negative Ratings, in: IFIP WG 11.1 International Conference on Trust Management, Hambourg, Germany, May 2015.

  • 42C. Li, M. Hurfin, Y. Wang.

    Reputation Propagation and Updating in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Byzantine Failures, in: 14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (IEEE TrustCom-15), Helsinki, Finland, August 2015. [ DOI : 10.1109/Trustcom.2015.364 ]

  • 43Y. Mocquard, E. Anceaume, J. Aspnes, Y. Busnel, B. Sericola.

    Counting with Population Protocols, in: International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), Boston, United States, IEEE, September 2015, 9 p.

  • 44N. Rivetti, L. Querzoni, E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, B. Sericola.

    Efficient Key Grouping for Near-Optimal Load Balancing in Stream Processing Systems , in: The 9th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS), Oslo, Norway, June 2015. [ DOI : 10.1145/2675743.2771827 ]


Conferences without Proceedings

  • 45R. Andriatsimandefitra Ratsisahanana, T. Genet, L. Guillo, J.-F. Lalande, D. Pichardie, V. Viet Triem Tong.

    Kharon : Découvrir, comprendre et reconnaître des malware Android par suivi de flux d'information, in: Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, Troyes, France, May 2015.

  • 46U. M. Aïvodji, S. Gambs, M.-J. Huguet, M.-O. Killijian.

    Privacy-preserving carpooling, in: Odysseus 2015 - 6th International Workshop on Freight Transportation and Logistics, Ajaccio, France, May 2015.

  • 47M. Boizard, S. Gambs.

    Le droit à l’oubli numérique face aux moteurs de recherche, in: Sciences et droits de l’homme, Paris, France, Réseau droit, sciences et techniques (GDR 3178) and UMR de droit comparé de Paris I, October 2015.

  • 48M. Boizard, S. Gambs.

    Retour d'expérience d'un projet de recherche pluridisciplinaire droit - informatique - sociologie : le droit à l'oubli, in: Journée SHS et numérique, Rennes, France, Labex CominLabs, June 2015.

  • 49S. Gambs, J.-F. Lalande, J. Traoré.

    ANR LYRICS: Cryptographie pour la protection de la vie privée, optimisée pour les services mobiles sans contact, in: Rendez-vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, Troyes, France, May 2015.

  • 50G. Malis, A. Blandin, G. Piolle.

    The articulation between the legal and technical means of erasure of data online, from the perspective of the user, in: 6ème Atelier sur la Protection de la Vie Privée (APVP'15), Mosnes, France, June 2015.


Internal Reports

  • 51E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, N. Rivetti, B. Sericola.

    Identifying Global Icebergs in Distributed Streams, Cnrs ; Inria Rennes ; Université de Nantes, April 2015.

  • 52E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, E. Schulte-Geers, B. Sericola.

    Optimization results for a generalized coupon collector problem, Inria Rennes ; Cnrs, January 2015.

  • 53M. Boizard, A. Blandin, C. Corgas-Bernard, G. Dedessus Le Moustier, S. Gambs, C. Lejealle, S. Moisdon-Chataigner, P. Pierre, G. Piolle, L. Rousvoal.

    Le droit à l'oubli, Mission de recherche Droit et Justice, February 2015, no 11-25, 216 p, Responsable scientifique du projet : Maryline Boizard.

  • 54N. Rivetti, E. Anceaume, Y. Busnel, L. Querzoni, B. Sericola.

    Proactive Online Scheduling for Shuffle Grouping in Distributed Stream Processing Systems, LINA-University of Nantes ; Sapienza Università di Roma (Italie), December 2015.


Other Publications

  • 55A. Abraham, R. Andriatsimandefitra Ratsisahanana, N. Kiss, J.-F. Lalande, V. Viet Triem Tong.

    Towards Automatic Triggering of Android Malware, July 2015, 12th International Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment, Poster.

  • 56E. Anceaume, F. Castella, A. Mostefaoui, B. Sericola.

    A Message-Passing and Adaptive Implementation of the Randomized Test-and-Set Object, August 2015, working paper or preprint.

  • 57G. Arfaoui, J.-F. Lalande, J. Traoré, N. Desmoulins, P. Berthomé, S. Gharout.

    A Practical Set-Membership Proof for Privacy-Preserving NFC Mobile Ticketing, May 2015, working paper or preprint.

  • 58D. Crémilleux, F. Majorczyk, N. Prigent.

    VEGAS: Visualizing, Exploring and Grouping AlertS , October 2015, International Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security - VizSec 2015, Poster.

  • 59E. Godefroy, E. Totel, M. Hurfin, F. Majorczyk.

    Generation and Assessment of correlation rules to Detect Complex Attack Scenarios, September 2015, IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS 2015), Poster.

  • 60P. Lajoie-Mazenc, E. Anceaume, G. Guette, T. Sirvent, V. Viet Triem Tong.

    Efficient Distributed Privacy-Preserving Reputation Mechanism Handling Non-Monotonic Ratings, January 2015, working paper or preprint.

  • 61Y. Mocquard, E. Anceaume, J. Aspnes, Y. Busnel, B. Sericola.

    Counting with Population Protocols, July 2015, working paper or preprint.

References in notes
  • 62J. C. Demay, F. Majorczyk, E. Totel, F. Tronel.

    Detecting illegal system calls using a data-oriented detection model, in: In Proc. of the 26th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference - Future Challenges in Security and Privacy for Academia and Industry (SEC2011), Lucerne, Switzerland, Jun 2011.
  • 63G. Hiet, V. Viet Triem Tong, L. , B. Morin.

    Policy-Based Intrusion Detection in Web Applications by Monitoring Java Information Flows, in: 3nd International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), 2008.
  • 64A. Myers, F. Schneider, K. Birman.

    Nsf project security and fault tolerance, nsf cybertrust grant 0430161, 2004.

  • 65O. Sarrouy, E. Totel, B. Jouga.

    Building an application data behavior model for intrusion detection, in: Proc. of the 23rd Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security, Montreal Canada, 07 2009, pp. 299–306.
  • 66J. Zimmermann, L. , C. Bidan.

    An improved reference flow control model for policy-based intrusion detection, in: Proc. of the 8th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS), October 2003.