Section: New Results

Optimal control of partial differential equations

Local minimization algorithms for dynamic programming equations

Participant : Axel Kröner.

The numerical realization of the dynamic programming principle for continuous-time optimal control leads to nonlinear Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations which require the minimization of a nonlinear mapping over the set of admissible controls. This minimization is often performed by comparison over a finite number of elements of the control set. In this paper we demonstrate the importance of an accurate realization of these minimization problems and propose algorithms by which this can be achieved effectively. The considered class of equations includes nonsmooth control problems with l1-penalization which lead to sparse controls. See the reprint [28] .

Suboptimal feedback control of PDEs by solving HJB equations on adaptive sparse grids

Participant : Axel Kröner.

An approach to solve finite time horizon sub-optimal feedback control problems for partial differential equations is proposed by solving dynamic programming equations on adaptive sparse grids. The approach is illustrated for the wave equation. A semi-discrete optimal control problem is introduced and the feedback control is derived from the corresponding value function. The value function can be characterized as the solution of an evolutionary Hamilton-Jacobi Bellman (HJB) equation which is defined over a state space whose dimension is equal to the dimension of the underlying semi-discrete system. Besides a low dimensional semi-discretization it is important to solve the HJB equation efficiently to address the curse of dimensionality. We propose to apply a semi-Lagrangian scheme using spatially adaptive sparse grids. Sparse grids allow the discretization of the value functions in (higher) space dimensions since the curse of dimensionality of full grid methods arises to a much smaller extent. For additional efficiency an adaptive grid refinement procedure is explored. We present several numerical examples studying the effect the parameters characterizing the sparse grid have on the accuracy of the value function and the optimal trajectory. See the report [27] .

Numerical approximation of level set power mean curvature flow

Participant : Axel Kröner.

In this paper we investigate the numerical approximation of a variant of the mean curvature flow. We consider the evolution of hypersurfaces with normal speed given by Hk, k1, where H denotes the mean curvature. We use a level set formulation of this flow and discretize the regularized level set equation with finite elements. In a previous paper we proved an a priori estimate for the approximation error between the finite element solution and the solution of the original level set equation. We obtained an upper bound for this error which is polynomial in the discretization parameter and the reciprocal regularization parameter. The aim of the present paper is the numerical study of the behavior of the evolution and the numerical verification of certain convergence rates. We restrict the consideration to the case that the level set function depends on two variables, i.e. the moving hypersurfaces are curves. Furthermore, we confirm for specific initial curves and different values of k that the flow improves the isoperimetrical deficit. See the report [29] .