Section: New Results

Component-Based Architectures for On-the-Fly Verification

Compositional Verification

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang.

The CADP toolbox contains various tools dedicated to compositional verification, among which EXP.OPEN, BCG_MIN, BCG_CMP, and SVL play a central role. EXP.OPEN explores on the fly the graph corresponding to a network of communicating automata (represented as a set of BCG files). BCG_MIN and BCG_CMP respectively minimize and compare behavior graphs modulo strong or branching bisimulation and their stochastic extensions. SVL (Script Verification Language) is both a high-level language for expressing complex verification scenarios and a compiler dedicated to this language.

In 2015, we corrected one bug in BCG_CMP and eight bugs in SVL. We extended the SVL language and compiler as follows:

  • A new statement was added to translate a LOTOS file or a process in a LOTOS file to an LNT file automatically.

  • LNT processes with data parameters can now be instantiated directly in the SVL script, without requiring a parameterless intermediate process to be defined.

  • LNT processes with gate parameters can now be instantiated in the SVL script using the named parameter-passing style of LNT.

  • Specification of a diagnostic file is now optional in the “comparison ”, “deadlock ”, and “livelock ” statements of SVL.

  • The “property ” statement has been extended so that it can now contain any kind of statement, provided it contains at least one verification statement.

  • Within SVL properties, it is now possible to define shell lines followed by an “expected ” clause to specify the expected result of the shell line.

  • It is now possible to add a “result ” clause after a verification statement, so as to store the result of the verification in a shell variable that can be subsequently used in the SVL script.

We improved several demo examples of CADP by using these new SVL constructs, and we added a new demo example on the verification of an airplane-ground communication protocol.

We also improved the PMC tool, by correcting five bugs and adding a new “-order ” option, which permits the user to define a particular order for quotienting. We improved the presentation of the demo examples released in the PMC distribution. Those examples are now given in LNT and translated automatically into networks of automata in the EXP language, instead of being given directly as networks of automata.

On-the-Fly Test Generation

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Radu Mateescu, Wendelin Serwe.

In the context of the collaboration with STMicroelectronics, we study techniques for testing if a (hardware) implementation is conform to a formal model described in LNT. Our approach is inspired by the theory of conformance testing  [63] , as implemented for instance in TGV  [53] and JTorX  [33] . We have developed three prototype tools to support this approach. The first tool implements a dedicated OPEN/CAESAR-compliant compiler for the particular asymmetric synchronous product between the model and the test purpose. The second tool, based on slightly extended generic components for graph manipulation (τ-compression, τ-confluence reduction, determinization) and resolution of Boolean equation systems, generates the complete test graph (CTG), which can be used to extract concrete test cases or to drive the test of the implementation. A third prototype tool takes as input a CTG and extracts either a single test case (randomly chosen or the first encountered one), or the set of all test cases. The principal advantage of our approach compared to existing tools is the use of LNT for describing test purposes, which facilitates the manipulation of data values.

In 2015, we corrected the prototype tools to properly handle timers and failure transitions, improved the documentation, and simplified internal data structures.

These prototype tools were used in the case study with STMicroelectronics (see §  7.5.1 ) and the EnergyBus (see §  7.5.4 ).

Other Component Developments

Participants : Soraya Arias, Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang, Radu Mateescu.

We separated the MCL library defining the operators of ACTL (Action-based CTL)  [41] in two parts: the first one defines the operators of ACTLX (the fragment of ACTL without the next-time operators), including optimized definitions of derived temporal operators, and the second one defines the next-time operators, including the definitions of silent next-time operators, which complement the visible next-time operators already present in the library.

We also added an MCL library defining the operators of the Lμ-dsbr fragment of modal μ-calculus [6] , which includes the ACTLX library. The Lμ-dsbr library also defines the absence of deadlock property as an MCL formula adequate w.r.t. divergence-sensitive branching bisimulation (divbranching for short) and allowing one to hide all visible actions in the LTS and to reduce it modulo divbranching prior to verification, which may bring significant performance gains.

A new major version 1.2 of the BCG format for storing Labelled Transition Systems was released as part of CADP 2015-a. Following this change, various minor residual bugs have been identified and fixed in 2015, and the type system of XTL has been modified to require fewer explicit type coercions.

In addition to bug fixes in various tools (e.g., CUNCTATOR, EUCALYPTUS, TST, XTL, etc.), the installation procedures of CADP have been revisited and updated; in particular, work is going on and many preliminary changes have been silently brought to ease installation of CADP on Windows.