Section: New Results

Real-Life Applications and Case Studies

ACE Cache Coherency Protocol

Participants : Abderahman Kriouile, Radu Mateescu, Wendelin Serwe.

In the context of a CIFRE convention with STMicroelectronics, we studied system-level cache coherency, a major challenge faced in the current System-on-Chip architectures. Because of their increasing complexity (mainly due to the significant number of computing units), the validation effort using current simulation-based techniques grows exponentially. As an alternative, we study formal verification.

We focused on the ACE (AXI Coherency Extensions) cache coherency protocol, a system-level coherency protocol proposed by ARM  [31] . In previous years, we developed a parametric formal model (about 3,400 lines of LNT) of a system consisting of an ACE-based cache coherent interconnect, processors, and a main memory. We also specified temporal properties expressing cache coherence, data integrity, and successful completion of each transaction. Note that the former property required to transform state-based properties into action-based ones, by adding information about the cache state to the actions executed by the cache.

In 2015, we continued to exploit the formal model to improve the validation of the architecture under design at STMicroelectronics, in particular by integrating tests derived from the formal model into the official test plans. This work led to a publication in an international conference [25] , and the defense of the PhD corresponding to the CIFRE convention [10] .

Deployment and Reconfiguration Protocols for Cloud Applications

Participants : Rim Sakka Abid, Gwen Salaün.

Cloud applications are complex applications composed of a set of interconnected software components running on different virtual machines, hosted on remote physical servers. Deploying and reconfiguring this kind of applications are very complicated tasks especially when one or multiple virtual machines fail when achieving these tasks. Hence, there is a need for protocols that can dynamically reconfigure and manage running distributed applications.

In 2015, we proposed a novel protocol, which aims at reconfiguring cloud applications. This protocol is able to ensure communication between virtual machines and resolve dependencies by exchanging messages, (dis)connecting, and starting/stopping components in a specific order. The interaction between machines is assured via a publish-subscribe messaging system. Each machine reconfigures itself in a decentralized way. The protocol supports virtual machine failures, and the reconfiguration always terminates successfully even in the presence of a finite number of failures. Due to the high degree of parallelism inherent to these applications, the protocol was specified in LNT and verified using CADP. The use of formal specification languages and tools helped to detect several bugs and to improve the protocol. These results were published in [12] .

Another line of work concerns autonomic computing in cloud environments. Managing distributed cloud applications is a challenging problem because manual administration is no longer realistic for these complex distributed systems. Thus, autonomic computing is a promising solution for monitoring and updating these applications automatically. This is achieved through the automation of administration functions and the use of control loops called autonomic managers. An autonomic manager observes the environment, detects changes, and reconfigures dynamically the application. Multiple autonomic managers can be deployed in the same system and must make consistent decisions. Using them without coordination may lead to inconsistencies and error-prone situations.

In 2015, we propose an approach for coordinating stateful autonomic managers, which relies on a simple coordination language, new techniques for asynchronous controller synthesis and Java code generation. We used our approach for coordinating real-world cloud applications. These results were published in [19] .

Networks of Programmable Logic Controllers

Participants : Fatma Jebali, Jingyan Jourdan-Lu, Frédéric Lang, Eric Léo, Radu Mateescu.

In the context of the Bluesky project (see § ), we study the software applications embedded on the PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) manufactured by Crouzet Automatismes. One of the objectives of Bluesky is to enable the rigorous design of complex control applications running on several PLCs connected by a network. Such applications are instances of GALS (Globally Asynchronous, Locally Synchronous) systems composed of several synchronous automata embedded on individual PLCs, which interact asynchronously by exchanging messages. A formal analysis of these systems can be naturally achieved by using the formal languages and verification techniques developed in the field of asynchronous concurrency.

For describing the applications embedded on individual PLCs, Crouzet provides a dataflow language with graphical syntax and synchronous semantics, equipped with an ergonomic user-interface that facilitates the learning and use of the language by non-experts. To equip the PLC language of Crouzet with functionalities for automated verification, the solution adopted in Bluesky was to translate it into GRL (see §  7.1.5 ), which enables the connection to testing and verification tools covering the synchronous and asynchronous aspects.

In 2015, we have provided support to Crouzet, who started to integrate GRL in the PLC design process by developing both a library of GRL blocks corresponding to function blocks present in their PLC programming tool, and an automated translation from a PLC program into a GRL block. The GRL2LNT and GRL.OPEN tools (see §  7.1.5 ) provide a direct connection to all verification functionalities of CADP, in particular model checking and equivalence checking.

We also investigated the equivalence checking for networks of PLCs, with the objective of proposing a general methodology usable in industrial context. We identified several rules (formalized as templates) for describing the asynchronous and synchronous parts of PLC networks, as well as their external behaviour (service), in order to facilitate the equivalence checking modulo branching bisimulation.

EnergyBus Standard for Connecting Electric Components

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Wendelin Serwe.

The EnergyBus (http://www.energybus.org ) is an upcoming industrial standard for electric power transmission and management, based on the CANopen field bus. It is developed by a consortium assembling all major industrial players (such as Bosch, Panasonic, and Emtas) in the area of light electric vehicles (LEV); their intention is to ensure interoperability between all electric LEV components. At the core of this initiative is a universal plug integrating a CAN-Bus (http://www.can-cia.org ) with switchable power lines. The central and innovative role of the EnergyBus is to manage the safe electricity access and distribution inside an EnergyBus network.

In the framework of the European FP7 project SENSATION (see § ) a formal specification in LNT of the main EnergyBus protocols is being developed by Alexander Graf-Brill and Holger Hermanns at Saarland University  [48] , with the active collaboration of CONVECS.

In 2015, we pursued the analysis of the LNT model, involving both verification (by means of state-space exploration and model checking techniques) and validation (using test cases automatically derived from the formal LNT model).

AutoFlight Control System

Participant : Fatma Jebali.

In collaboration with Eric Jenn (IRT Saint Exupery, Toulouse), we studied an AutoFlight Control System (AFCS), provided by Thales Avionics. The goal of an AFCS is to improve the quality of flight and enhance the operational capability of the aircraft. The architecture of the AFCS comprises two parts. The first part (FCP, Flight Control Panel) consists of a control panel, which enables the pilot to interact with the system. The second part (AFS, Automatic Flight System) is in charge of performing functions such as guidance and automatic pilot. For safety purposes, each part is organized into a command and monitoring channels. The command channel ensures the function allocated to the component. The monitoring channel ensures that the command channel operates correctly. To ensure a sufficient availability level, a high level of redundancy is built inside the system. Components communicate using various communication means with different latencies (AFDX, A429, discrete).

Since AFCSs have stringent safety and time-critical requirements, formal verification is required to ensure their correctness. To this aim, we have applied the GRL approach for the formal modelling and verification of GALS systems (see §  7.1.5 ). In a first step, we have addressed the AFCS without redundancy. We have written a GRL description (750 lines), which can be parameterized by the activation paces of different synchronous components. We have written a set of correctness properties in MCL, which we have verified on the GRL model.

Graphical User-Interfaces and Plasticity

Participants : Hubert Garavel, Frédéric Lang, Raquel Oliveira.

In the context of the Connexion project (see § ) and in close collaboration with Gaëlle Calvary and Sophie Dupuy-Chessa (IIHM team of the LIG laboratory), we study the formal description and validation of graphical user-interfaces using the most recent features of the CADP toolbox. The case study assigned to LIG in this project is a prototype graphical user-interface  [38] designed to provide human operators with an overview of a running nuclear plant. The main goal of the system is to inform the operators about alarms resulting from faults, disturbances, or unexpected events in the plant. Contrary to conventional control rooms, which employ large desks and dedicated hardware panels for supervision, this new-generation interface uses standard computer hardware (i.e., smaller screen(s), keyboard, and mouse), thus raising challenging questions on how to best provide synthetic views of the plant status. Another challenge is to introduce plasticity in such interface, so as to enable several supervision operators, including mobile ones outside of the control room, to get accurate information in real time.

We formally specified this new-generation interface in LNT, encompassing not only the usual components traditionally found in graphical user-interfaces, but also a model of the physical world (namely, a nuclear reactor with various fault scenarios) and a cognitive model of a human operator in charge of supervising the plant. Also, several desirable properties of the interface have been expressed in MCL and verified on the LNT model using CADP. At last, we used our formal model to check conformance of execution traces generated by an industrial control room prototype provided by a partner in the project.

In 2015, we finalized our approach to formally verifying safety critical interactive systems provided with plastic user interfaces, either using equivalence checking (to check whether different versions of user interfaces present the same interaction capabilities and appearance) or model checking (to check a set of properties over a model of the system). The results have been published in international conferences [26] , [27] and journals [17] , and in Raquel Oliveira's PhD thesis [11] .

Fault-Tolerant Routing for Network-on-Chip Architectures

Participant : Wendelin Serwe.

Fault-tolerant architectures provide adaptivity for on-chip communications, but also increase the complexity of the design, so that formal verification techniques are needed to check their correctness. In collaboration with Chris Myers and Zhen Zhang (University of Utah, USA), we studied an extension of the link-fault tolerant Network-on-Chip (NoC) architecture introduced by Wu et al  [64] that supports multiflit wormhole routing. A major difference with similar architectures existing in the literature is that the considered routing algorithm is not statically proven free of deadlocks, but rather implements deadlock avoidance (by dynamically detecting possible deadlock situations and avoiding them by dropping packets).

In 2015, we detected a potential livelock in the previously developed formal LNT model  [65] . The correction of this problem led to an improved routing algorithm, for which the state space for 2x2 NoCs could be generated compositionally. We also experimented with the analysis of larger configurations on Grid'5000, but even a 2x3 NoC is still too large, so that compositional state space generation fails with an intermediate state space of several billions of states. This work led to a publication accepted in an international journal [18] and a PhD thesis  [66] .

Other Case Studies

The demo examples of CADP, which have been progressively accumulated since the origins of the toolbox, are a showcase for the multiple capabilities of CADP, as well as a test bed to assess the new features of the toolbox. In 2015, the effort to maintain and enhance these demos has been pursued. The progressive migration to LNT has continued, by translating five demos (16, 21, 22, 36, and 38) from LOTOS to LNT. A new demo 05 (airplane-ground communication protocol) has been added. The code of many demos was updated to use the latest features of LNT, such as “in var ” parameters and “assert ” statements. Demos 14 and 16 have been greatly simplified by inlining MCL and XTL temporal logic formulas in SVL scripts, using the “property ”, “check ”, and “|= ” statements recently added to SVL. Nine demos (02, 08, 17, 20, 27, 28, 31, 33, and 36) have been simplified by using the new possibility to pass value parameters to LOTOS and LNT processes directly in SVL scripts. XTL formulas have been shortened in demos 23 and 27. The illustration of the EXEC/CAESAR framework in demo 38 has been integrated as a property into the SVL script. Finally, demo 38 led to a publication in an international workshop [29] .