Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


CONVECS is a host team for the computer science master entitled “Mathématiques, Informatique, spécialité : Systèmes et Logiciels”, common to Grenoble INP and University Joseph Fourier.

In 2015, we carried out the following teaching activities:

  • G. Salaün is co-responsible of the ISI (Ingéniérie des Systèmes d'Information) department of ENSIMAG since September 1, 2011.

  • F. Lang gave a lecture on formal methods (6 hours) in the framework of the software engineering course given to the first year students of the MOSIG (Master of Science in Informatics at Grenoble).

  • G. Salaün gave lectures (192 hours “équivalent TD”) to computer science engineering students of ENSIMAG (“École Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées”, Grenoble INP) on “Théorie des langages” (first year), “Programmation orientée objet” (second year), and “Modélisation et vérification de systèmes concurrents” (thrid year). He also organized a series of “Conférences technologiques” (third year).

  • H. Garavel, together with Laurence Pierre (TIMA, Grenoble), created a new curriculum “High-confidence Embedded and Cyberphysical Systems” of the international masters programme.


  • PhD: Hugues Evrard, “Génération automatique d'implémentation distribuée à partir de modèles formels de processus concurrents asynchrones”, Université Grenoble-Alpes, July 10, 2015, G. Salaün, F. Lang

  • PhD: Abderahman Kriouile, “Formal Methods for Functional Verification of Cache-Coherent System-on-Chip”, Université Grenoble-Alpes, September 17, 2015, R. Mateescu, W. Serwe, M. Zendri

  • PhD: Raquel Oliveira, “Formal Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems with Plasticity: Applications to Nuclear-Plant Supervision”, Université Grenoble-Alpes, December 3, 2015, H. Garavel, S. Dupuy-Chessa, G. Calvary, F. Lang

  • PhD: Rim Sakka Abid, “Coordination et Reconfiguration des Applications Distribuées Cloud”, Université Grenoble-Alpes, December 16, 2015, G. Salaün, N. de Palma

  • PhD in progress: Fatma Jebali, “A Framework for the Formal Specification and Verification of Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous Systems”, since December 2012, F. Lang, R. Mateescu

  • PhD in progress: Gianluca Barbon, “Debugging Concurrent Programs using Model Checking and Mining Techniques”, since October 2015, G. Salaün


  • H. Garavel was member of the jury for David Lugato's habilitation thesis, entitled “Formaliser par la modelisation : Applications au calcul haute performance et à la génération de tests par exécution symbolique”, defended at Université de Bordeaux, France, on March 5, 2015.

  • W. Serwe was PhD committee member for Zhen Zhang's PhD thesis, entitled “Verification Methodologies for Fault-Tolerant Network-on-Chip Systems”, defended at University of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA, on October 26, 2015.