Section: Dissemination


H. Garavel participates to the committee in charge of organizing the Aerospace Valley series of industrial conferences on formal methods.

The fifth conference (http://projects.laas.fr/IFSE/FMF/J5/index.html ), devoted to testing, held on June 16 in Toulouse and retransmitted by video-conference in Grenoble and Saclay, attracted participants from industry and academia. W. Serwe gave a talk (with Thierry Jéron, Inria Rennes), entitled “TGV: Génération de tests de conformité à partir de modèles formels”, and a talk (with Massimo Zendri, STMicroelectronics), entitled “Génération de tests basés sur les modèles pour des systèmes sur puce avec cohérence de caches”.

The sixth conference (http://projects.laas.fr/IFSE/FMF/J5/index.html ), devoted to safety, is to be held on January 26, 2016.