Section: New Software and Platforms
mcGDB: Debugging of Multithreaded Applications
mcGDB is a new debugger for multithreaded applications. It implements a novel approach for interactive debugging named Programming Model-Centric Debugging. mcGDB raises interactive debugging to the level of programming models, by capturing and interpreting events generated during the application execution (e.g. through breakpointed API function calls). This new approach debugging is applied to four different programming models: software components (ST/NPM), Data flow (ST/PEDF), OpenCL and OpenMP. MCGDB was initialy developped by Kevin Pouget with STMicromectronics (CIFRE thesis). mcGDG uses the Temanejo graphical interface to display task graphs. mcGDB is currently extended in the DEMA/Nano2017 project with ST Microelectronics, Inria/Parkas and UPMC.