Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
HEAVEN Persyval Project
Title: HEterogenous Architectures: Versatile Exploitation and programiNg
HEAVEN leaders: François Broquedis, Olivier Muller[TIMA lab]
Corse participants: François Broquedis, Frédéric Desprez, Georgios Christodoulis
Computer architectures are getting more and more complex, exposing massive parallelism, hierarchically-organized memories and heterogeneous processing units. Such architectures are extremely difficult to program as they most of the time make application programmers choose between portability and performance.
While standard programming environments like OpenMP are currently evolving to support the execution of applications on different kinds of processing units, such approaches suffer from two main issues. First, to exploit heterogeneous processing units from the application level, programmers need to explicitly deal with hardware-specific low-level mechanisms, such as the memory transfers between the host memory and private memories of a co-processor for example. Second, as the evolution of programming environments towards heterogeneous programming mainly focuses on CPU/GPU platforms, some hardware accelerators are still difficult to exploit from a general-purpose parallel application.
FPGA is one of them. Unlike CPUs and GPUs, this hardware accelerator can be configured to fit the application needs. It contains arrays of programmable logic blocks that can be wired together to build a circuit specialized for the targeted application. For example, FPGAs can be configured to accelerate portions of code that are known to perform badly on CPUs or GPUs. The energy efficiency of FPGAs is also one of the main assets of this kind of accelerators compared to GPUs, which encourages the scientific community to consider FPGAs as one of the building blocks of large scale low-power heterogeneous multicore platforms.
However, only a fraction of the community considers programming FPGAs for now, as configurations must be designed using low-level description languages such as VHDL that application programmers are not experienced with.
The main objective of this project is to improve the accessibility of heterogeneous architectures containing FPGA accelerators to parallel application programmers. The proposed project focuses on three main aspects:
Portability: we don't want application programmers to redesign their applications completely to benefit from FPGA devices. This means extending standard parallel programming environments like OpenMP to support FPGA. Improving application portability also means leveraging most of the hardware-specific low-level mechanisms at the runtime system level ;
Performance: we want our solution to be flexible enough to get the most out of any heterogeneous platforms containing FPGA devices depending on specific performance needs, like computation throughput or energy consumption for example ;
Experiments: Experimenting with FPGA accelerators on real-life scientific applications is also a key element of our project proposal. In particular, the solutions developed in this project will allow comparisons between architectures on real-life applications from different domains like signal processing and computational finance.
Efficient programming and exploitation of heterogeneous architectures implies the development of methods and tools for system design, embedded or not. The HEAVEN project proposal fits in the PCS research action of the PERSYVAL-lab. The PhD of Georgios Christodoulis is funded by this project.
HPES Persyval Project
HPES participants: Suzane Lesecq [CEA Leti], Laurent Fesquet [TIMA Lab], Stéphane Mancini [TIMA Lab], Eric Ruten [Inria/CtrlA], Nicolas Marchand [Gipsa Lab], Bogdan Robu [Gipsa Lab]
Corse participants: Naweiluo Zhou [PhD Persyval], Fabrice Rastello, Jean-François Méhaut
The computing area has been recently deeply modified by the emergence of the so-called multicore processor. Within the same chip, several computing units are implemented. This architectural concept allows meeting the performance requirements under stringent energy consumption constraints. Multicores are used for laptops, Graphical Processor Units (GPU), High Performance Computing (HPC) platforms, but also for embedded systems su ch as mobile phones. Moreover, low-power high performance multicores developed for embedded systems will be soon used in data centers for HPC. This raises new scientific challenges to architecture, systems and application designers that have face massively parallel computing platforms.
The number of cores on a chip is increasing quickly. At the same time, the memory bandwidth is increasing too slowly to ensure the performance such multicore platforms should attain. This phenomenon is known as “Memory Wall” and at the moment no efficient solution to exceed this limitation exists. With the increase in the number of cores, cache coherency is becoming as well a tremendous challenge.
Power consumption is also a huge challenge as it imposes strong constraints on the computing platform, whatever the application domain. The first machine ranked in the Green500 has an energy performance ratio of 2 Gflops per watt. This ratio has to be improved by 30 when exascale computing is considered. The multi-core processor might help to improve this ratio; however, the software stack should as well evolve to boost this improvement.