Section: New Results

Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product

We have designed, implemented and evaluated two variants of new privacy-preserving scalar product protocols. The first variant is based on an original idea of Ioannidis et al.  [8] and was refined by Amirbekyan et al.  [6] . Our first design improves on this by supporting signed values. A second design uses discrete logarithms over Elliptic curves instead of a homomorphic cipher, resulting in a substantially more efficient computation as long as the final result is numerically small.

In both protocols, Alice learns the scalar product aibi of her private vector a with Bob's private vector b. The protocol is privacy-preserving in that Alice cannot discern details about b other than what she can learn from a and the scalar product aibi, and Bob does not learn anything.

Table 1 summarizes our experimental results.

Table 1. Preliminary performance data for the SP algorithms, wall-clock time running on a single-core of an i7.
Length RSA-2048 ECC-220 ECC-228
25 14 s 2 s 29 s
50 21 s 2 s 29 s
100 39 s 2 s 29 s
200 77 s 3 s 30 s
400 149 s OOR 31 s
800 304 s OOR 33 s
800 3846 kb OOR 70 kb