Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

  • The RODIN projet finished in September 2015. RODIN is the acronym of "Robust structural Optimization for Design in INdustry". This is a consortium of various companies and universities which has been sponsored by the FUI AAP 13 for 3 years, starting on July 2012. The industrial partners are: Renault, EADS, ESI, Eurodecision, Alneos, DPS. The academic partners are: CMAP at Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire J.-L. Lions at Paris 6 and 7 Universities, centre de recherches Bordeaux Sud-Ouest at Inria. The goal of the RODIN project is to perform research and develop a computer code on geometry and topology optimization of solid structures, based on the level set method. The software editor ESI is going to isse a commercial software in 2016. A sequel for RODIN is planned with a possible start in 2016.

  • FUI project Nanolytix. This three years project started in October 2012 and involves Xenocs (coordinator), imXPAD, Arkema, Inria (DEFI) and CEA-Leti. It aims at building a compact and easy-to use device that images nonaparticles using X-ray diffraction at small or wide angles (SAXS and WAXS technologies). We are in charge of direct and inverse simulation of the SAXS and WAXS experiments.

  • Electormagnetic simulation work package of the FUI project Tandem. This three years project started in December 2012 and involves Bull-Amesys (coordinator), BOWEN (ERTE+SART), Ecole Polytechnique (CMAP), Inria, LEAT et VSM. It aims at constructing a radar system on a flying device capable of real-time imaging mines embedded in dry soils (up to 40 cm deep). We are in charge of numerical validation of the inverse simulator.

  • FUI project Saxsize. This three years project started in October 2015 and involves Xenocs (coordinator), Inria (DEFI), Pyxalis, Cordouan and CEA. It is a followup of Saxsise where a focus is put on SAXS imaging of nanoparticles powders.