Section: New Results
Augmentation of Elastic Surfaces with Self-Occlusion Handling
In this work, we propose to recover the 3D shape and to augment elastic objects with self-occlusions handling, using only single view images. Shape recovery from a monocular video sequence is an underconstrained problem and many approaches have been proposed to enforce constraints and resolve the ambiguities. State-of-the art solutions enforce smoothness or geometric constraints, consider specific deformation properties such as inextensibility or resort to shading constraints. We propose a real-time method that uses a mechanical model and that is able to handle highly elastic objects. The problem is formulated as an energy minimization problem accounting for a non-linear elastic model constrained by external image points acquired from a monocular camera. This method prevents us from formulating restrictive assumptions and specific constraint terms in the minimization. In addition, we propose to handle self-occluded regions thanks to the ability of mechanical models to provide appropriate predictions of the shape. This result has been published in the journal TVCG [2] and has been extended to handle cutable objects and has been published as a SIGGRAPH poster [12] .